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Clagiraba, a suburb in Gold Coast City, is named after the Clagiraba Creek. The name was inspired by the indigenous name “Kalagareebah”, which means “single or young men’s ground.” In the past, young men were brought to the area to take part in an initiation ceremony. Although Clagiraba is a rural suburb, it is in close proximity to denser suburbs such as Pacific Pines and Oxenford. Additionally, Clagiraba is just a half-hour away from Main Beach and Surfers Paradise, which are popular vacation destinations for locals and tourists.
Since Clagiraba is close to Oxenford, it shares some of its attractions, including the Warner Bros. Movie World, where there’s family entertainment, thrilling rides and a children’s zone. The park also...

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Did you know this about Clagiraba?

Clagiraba, a suburb in Gold Coast City, is named after the Clagiraba Creek. The name was inspired by the indigenous name “Kalagareebah”, which means “single or young men’s ground.” In the past, young men were brought to the area to take part in an initiation ceremony. Although Clagiraba is a rural suburb, it is in close proximity to denser suburbs

Clagiraba, a suburb in Gold Coast City, is named after the Clagiraba Creek. The name was inspired by the indigenous name “Kalagareebah”, which means “single or young men’s ground.” In the past, young men were brought to the area to take part in an initiation ceremony. Although Clagiraba is a rural suburb, it is in close proximity to denser suburbs such as Pacific Pines and Oxenford. Additionally, Clagiraba is just a half-hour away from Main Beach and Surfers Paradise, which are popular vacation destinations for locals and tourists.
Since Clagiraba is close to Oxenford, it shares some of its attractions, including the Warner Bros. Movie World, where there’s family entertainment, thrilling rides and a children’s zone. The park also host special events such as Fright Nights and the Carnivale.

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