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Approximately 54 kilometres off of the capital city of Queensland, Boyland is located in the south-eastern part of Gold Coast and Hinterland in the Scenic Rim Region, Queensland. Its name was taken from the railway station that was named after the chairman of Tamborine Shire during 1907, George Boyland.
The suburb of Boyland is nestled in between various features of landscapes and waterscapes, such as Canungra Range, Coombabah Lake and Hope Island, to mention a few. Boyland also houses a lot of nearby tourist attractions, including Dreamworld and Whitewater World, which feature different indoor and outdoor entertainments and rides, Tamborine Rainforest Skywalk, which lets its visitors explore Mount Tamborine’s wonderful canopies, a...

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Did you know this about Boyland?

Approximately 54 kilometres off of the capital city of Queensland, Boyland is located in the south-eastern part of Gold Coast and Hinterland in the Scenic Rim Region, Queensland. Its name was taken from the railway station that was named after the chairman of Tamborine Shire during 1907, George Boyland.
The suburb of Boyland is nestled in between various features of landscapes

Approximately 54 kilometres off of the capital city of Queensland, Boyland is located in the south-eastern part of Gold Coast and Hinterland in the Scenic Rim Region, Queensland. Its name was taken from the railway station that was named after the chairman of Tamborine Shire during 1907, George Boyland.
The suburb of Boyland is nestled in between various features of landscapes and waterscapes, such as Canungra Range, Coombabah Lake and Hope Island, to mention a few. Boyland also houses a lot of nearby tourist attractions, including Dreamworld and Whitewater World, which feature different indoor and outdoor entertainments and rides, Tamborine Rainforest Skywalk, which lets its visitors explore Mount Tamborine’s wonderful canopies, and many others.
The primary transportation services within the community of Boyland are mainly linked by the Wonglepong train station and the Gold Coast Airport. There are also a number of neighbouring hotels that cater to travellers who wish to stay in town. Some of these include The Polish Place, The Castle on Tamborine and Curtis Cottage.

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