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Approximately 263 kilometres off from the capital city of Brisbane, Australia, Redridge is located on the Central Coast of Bundaberg and Wide Bay in Queensland.
The suburb of Redridge is nestled between various features of landscapes and waterscapes, such as Walkers Point, Dukke Benong and Musket Flat Mountain, to mention a few. Redridge also houses a lot of nearby tourist attractions, including Bundaberg Regional Art Gallery, which is located in the heart of Bundaberg City, and Railway Museum Bundaberg, which was Bundaberg’s first railway station that was built in the 1880s.
The primary transportation services within the community of Redridge is mainly linked by the Woodspring train station and the Bundaberg Airport. There are...

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Did you know this about Redridge?

Approximately 263 kilometres off from the capital city of Brisbane, Australia, Redridge is located on the Central Coast of Bundaberg and Wide Bay in Queensland.
The suburb of Redridge is nestled between various features of landscapes and waterscapes, such as Walkers Point, Dukke Benong and Musket Flat Mountain, to mention a few. Redridge also houses a lot of nearby tourist attractions,

Approximately 263 kilometres off from the capital city of Brisbane, Australia, Redridge is located on the Central Coast of Bundaberg and Wide Bay in Queensland.
The suburb of Redridge is nestled between various features of landscapes and waterscapes, such as Walkers Point, Dukke Benong and Musket Flat Mountain, to mention a few. Redridge also houses a lot of nearby tourist attractions, including Bundaberg Regional Art Gallery, which is located in the heart of Bundaberg City, and Railway Museum Bundaberg, which was Bundaberg’s first railway station that was built in the 1880s.
The primary transportation services within the community of Redridge is mainly linked by the Woodspring train station and the Bundaberg Airport. There are also a number of neighbouring hotels that cater to travellers who wish to stay in town. Some of these include Alexandra Apartments, Charm City Motel and Coral Cove Resort.

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