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Roughly 315 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane, the suburban community of Moore Park Beach is located on the Central Coast of Bundaberg and Wide Bay in Queensland. The vicinity of Moore Park Beach is outlined by numerous landscapes and seascapes. Some of these are Hacking Hill, Mount Whacogo and Two Mile Knob, to mention a few. The town also has nearby tourist spots. Some of these are, Fairymead House Sugar Museum, which used to be a Queenslander house during the early settlement of the state, and Railway Museum Bundaberg, which was Bundaberg’s first railway station that was built in the 1880s. The main transport services to the area of Moore Park Beach include the Gotlow train station and the Bundaberg Airport. Differen...

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Did you know this about Moore Park Beach?

Roughly 315 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane, the suburban community of Moore Park Beach is located on the Central Coast of Bundaberg and Wide Bay in Queensland. The vicinity of Moore Park Beach is outlined by numerous landscapes and seascapes. Some of these are Hacking Hill, Mount Whacogo and Two Mile Knob, to mention a few. The

Roughly 315 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane, the suburban community of Moore Park Beach is located on the Central Coast of Bundaberg and Wide Bay in Queensland. The vicinity of Moore Park Beach is outlined by numerous landscapes and seascapes. Some of these are Hacking Hill, Mount Whacogo and Two Mile Knob, to mention a few. The town also has nearby tourist spots. Some of these are, Fairymead House Sugar Museum, which used to be a Queenslander house during the early settlement of the state, and Railway Museum Bundaberg, which was Bundaberg’s first railway station that was built in the 1880s. The main transport services to the area of Moore Park Beach include the Gotlow train station and the Bundaberg Airport. Different nearby hotels, like Charm City Motel, Alexandra on Takalvan and Bundaberg Spanish Motor Inn, are also perfect for travellers and vacationists who are staying in the area.

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