Find the businesses you need inMcMinns Lagoon, Darwin

Northern Territory

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Part of the group of outer suburbs in the Darwin capital of Northern Territory, McMinns Lagoon is a small suburb that offers quiet time away from the city life. The area is accessible through the Stuart Highway. The town is part of the Litchfield Municipality, an area where rural industries such as farming and cattle raising have thrived.
One of the most popular destinations in the area is the McMinns Lagoon Recreation Reserve, a stunning 41-hectre unspoiled wetland that is the jewel of the municipality. Bird watching is one of the popular attractions of the reserve due to the wide range of bird life that passes through the area all year round. The reserve also has a bird sanctuary that has the most varieties of flora and fauna in...

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Did you know this about McMinns Lagoon?

Part of the group of outer suburbs in the Darwin capital of Northern Territory, McMinns Lagoon is a small suburb that offers quiet time away from the city life. The area is accessible through the Stuart Highway. The town is part of the Litchfield Municipality, an area where rural industries such as farming and cattle raising have thrived.
One of

Part of the group of outer suburbs in the Darwin capital of Northern Territory, McMinns Lagoon is a small suburb that offers quiet time away from the city life. The area is accessible through the Stuart Highway. The town is part of the Litchfield Municipality, an area where rural industries such as farming and cattle raising have thrived.
One of the most popular destinations in the area is the McMinns Lagoon Recreation Reserve, a stunning 41-hectre unspoiled wetland that is the jewel of the municipality. Bird watching is one of the popular attractions of the reserve due to the wide range of bird life that passes through the area all year round. The reserve also has a bird sanctuary that has the most varieties of flora and fauna in the Northern Territory area. There is a lookout area nearby with picnic tables and visitors at night can still explore the beauty of nature.

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