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Approximately 553 kilometres away from the capital city of Sydney, Australia, Yetman is located on the North West Slopes of the Inverell Shire in New South Wales. It was previously occupied by the Aboriginal tribe of the Bigambul.
The suburb of Yetman is nestled between various features of landscapes and waterscapes, such as The Rocky Hole, Blue Nobby and The Blacks Yetman Rock, to mention a few. Yetman also houses a lot of nearby tourist attractions, including Ceramic Break Sculpture Park, which was made by Kerry Cannon, a bronze sculptor, Emmaville Mining Museum, which exhibits more than 200 photographs of minerals and miners, and many others.
The primary transportation services within the community of Yetman are mainly linke...

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Did you know this about Yetman?

Approximately 553 kilometres away from the capital city of Sydney, Australia, Yetman is located on the North West Slopes of the Inverell Shire in New South Wales. It was previously occupied by the Aboriginal tribe of the Bigambul.
The suburb of Yetman is nestled between various features of landscapes and waterscapes, such as The Rocky Hole, Blue Nobby and The Blacks

Approximately 553 kilometres away from the capital city of Sydney, Australia, Yetman is located on the North West Slopes of the Inverell Shire in New South Wales. It was previously occupied by the Aboriginal tribe of the Bigambul.
The suburb of Yetman is nestled between various features of landscapes and waterscapes, such as The Rocky Hole, Blue Nobby and The Blacks Yetman Rock, to mention a few. Yetman also houses a lot of nearby tourist attractions, including Ceramic Break Sculpture Park, which was made by Kerry Cannon, a bronze sculptor, Emmaville Mining Museum, which exhibits more than 200 photographs of minerals and miners, and many others.
The primary transportation services within the community of Yetman are mainly linked by the Mundoey train station and the Moree Airport. There is also a number of neighbouring hotels that cater to travellers who wish to stay in town. Some of these include Comfort Inn Goondiwindi, O’Shea’s Royal Hotel and Wobbly Boot Hotel.

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