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New South Wales

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Loomberah is a small suburban town located in the local government area of the Tamworth Regional Council in the state of New South Wales. The suburb is within the Western Rural district. It was during the post-war era when substantial development took place in Loomberah and surrounding areas. Today, much of the land is used for farming as the main source of income and livelihood amongst residents. Some of the other businesses and services near Loomberah include agricultural machinery, building contractors, dog breeders, social and general clubs, marketing services, concrete contractors and graziers.
Tourists who plan to stay in the suburb for vacation trips may visit landmarks within the Western Rural area, including the Attunga St...

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Did you know this about Loomberah?

Loomberah is a small suburban town located in the local government area of the Tamworth Regional Council in the state of New South Wales. The suburb is within the Western Rural district. It was during the post-war era when substantial development took place in Loomberah and surrounding areas. Today, much of the land is used for farming as the main

Loomberah is a small suburban town located in the local government area of the Tamworth Regional Council in the state of New South Wales. The suburb is within the Western Rural district. It was during the post-war era when substantial development took place in Loomberah and surrounding areas. Today, much of the land is used for farming as the main source of income and livelihood amongst residents. Some of the other businesses and services near Loomberah include agricultural machinery, building contractors, dog breeders, social and general clubs, marketing services, concrete contractors and graziers.
Tourists who plan to stay in the suburb for vacation trips may visit landmarks within the Western Rural area, including the Attunga State Forest and the War Memorial Park.

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