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A village under the local government area of Narrabri Shire in northern inland New South Wales, Baan Baa (pronounced “barn-bar”) is located 484 kilometres northwest of Sydney. In 1882, a railway line was established between Boggabri and Narrabri South Junction. The Baan Baa railway station opened a year later and the area soon grew into a bustling railway village, its railway platform once the longest in rural New South Wales. Today, Baan Baa serves mainly as a central delivery point for barley and wheat, which are grown in the surrounding towns. Other important industries in Baan Baa include beef cattle and prime lamb raising, coal mining and cotton growing. The town and its Railway Hotel also attract visitors during the harvest seas...

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Did you know this about Baan Baa?

A village under the local government area of Narrabri Shire in northern inland New South Wales, Baan Baa (pronounced “barn-bar”) is located 484 kilometres northwest of Sydney. In 1882, a railway line was established between Boggabri and Narrabri South Junction. The Baan Baa railway station opened a year later and the area soon grew into a bustling railway village, its

A village under the local government area of Narrabri Shire in northern inland New South Wales, Baan Baa (pronounced “barn-bar”) is located 484 kilometres northwest of Sydney. In 1882, a railway line was established between Boggabri and Narrabri South Junction. The Baan Baa railway station opened a year later and the area soon grew into a bustling railway village, its railway platform once the longest in rural New South Wales. Today, Baan Baa serves mainly as a central delivery point for barley and wheat, which are grown in the surrounding towns. Other important industries in Baan Baa include beef cattle and prime lamb raising, coal mining and cotton growing. The town and its Railway Hotel also attract visitors during the harvest season of November and December.

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