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Roughly 118 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane, the district of Sunshine Beach, formerly known as Golden Beach, is situated in the south eastern region of Sunshine Coast in Queensland. Several landscapes and seascapes are found in the vicinity of Sunshine Beach. Some of these are Doonella Lake, Boreen Point and Mount Tinbeerwah. Sunshine Beach has nearby tourist attractions, too, including Gingertown Motor Garage, which features Australian goodies like handmade porcelain dolls, motoring memorabilia and sweet condiments, and Da Bomb Surf Centre Sunshine Coast, which is a traditional surf shop for beginners and professionals. Town visitors who wish to stay for vacation may choose from a wide selection of hotels, such as Pa...

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Did you know this about Sunshine Beach?

Roughly 118 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane, the district of Sunshine Beach, formerly known as Golden Beach, is situated in the south eastern region of Sunshine Coast in Queensland. Several landscapes and seascapes are found in the vicinity of Sunshine Beach. Some of these are Doonella Lake, Boreen Point and Mount Tinbeerwah. Sunshine Beach has nearby tourist

Roughly 118 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane, the district of Sunshine Beach, formerly known as Golden Beach, is situated in the south eastern region of Sunshine Coast in Queensland. Several landscapes and seascapes are found in the vicinity of Sunshine Beach. Some of these are Doonella Lake, Boreen Point and Mount Tinbeerwah. Sunshine Beach has nearby tourist attractions, too, including Gingertown Motor Garage, which features Australian goodies like handmade porcelain dolls, motoring memorabilia and sweet condiments, and Da Bomb Surf Centre Sunshine Coast, which is a traditional surf shop for beginners and professionals. Town visitors who wish to stay for vacation may choose from a wide selection of hotels, such as Parkshore Sunshine Holiday Apartments, Noosa Flashpackers and Chez Noosa Resort Motel, among several others.

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