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Mount Mellum is a small rural area within the local government area of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. It is located to the north of Beerwah and to the south of Mooloolah Valley. Originally named “Mellum Creek”, Mount Mellum is thought to be named after the Aboriginal word for “volcano”. Much of the land was used for timber-getting and faming during the European settlement during the 1870s. Mount Mellum is a quiet suburb with beautiful natural surroundings, like the nearby hinterland, the abundant wildlife and the natural bushland. It also has many attractions nearby, including the Scout Association Rocky Creek Campsite, Camp Koongamoon and the Big Kart Track. The area is also home to one school and the Landsborough railway station.<...

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Did you know this about Mount Mellum?

Mount Mellum is a small rural area within the local government area of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. It is located to the north of Beerwah and to the south of Mooloolah Valley. Originally named “Mellum Creek”, Mount Mellum is thought to be named after the Aboriginal word for “volcano”. Much of the land was used for timber-getting and faming

Mount Mellum is a small rural area within the local government area of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. It is located to the north of Beerwah and to the south of Mooloolah Valley. Originally named “Mellum Creek”, Mount Mellum is thought to be named after the Aboriginal word for “volcano”. Much of the land was used for timber-getting and faming during the European settlement during the 1870s. Mount Mellum is a quiet suburb with beautiful natural surroundings, like the nearby hinterland, the abundant wildlife and the natural bushland. It also has many attractions nearby, including the Scout Association Rocky Creek Campsite, Camp Koongamoon and the Big Kart Track. The area is also home to one school and the Landsborough railway station.

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