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A small town in Queensland located 90 kilometres north of Brisbane, Maleny sits approximately 450 metres above sea level on the Blackall Range, overlooking the Sunshine Coast hinterland. The scenic town has several spots with geographical significance, such as the Glass House Mountains and Baroon Pocket Dam. Two Aboriginal groups, the Nalbo and Dallambara people, occupied the area around Maleny prior to European settlement. Prussian explorer Ludwig Leinchhardt was said to be the first European to document the area in 1844, while the first European settlement was established in 1867 following the Gympie gold rush. Maleny was declared as a town in 1891 and became known for its timber and dairy. Today, the town enjoys a thriving tourism i...

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Did you know this about Maleny?

A small town in Queensland located 90 kilometres north of Brisbane, Maleny sits approximately 450 metres above sea level on the Blackall Range, overlooking the Sunshine Coast hinterland. The scenic town has several spots with geographical significance, such as the Glass House Mountains and Baroon Pocket Dam. Two Aboriginal groups, the Nalbo and Dallambara people, occupied the area around Maleny

A small town in Queensland located 90 kilometres north of Brisbane, Maleny sits approximately 450 metres above sea level on the Blackall Range, overlooking the Sunshine Coast hinterland. The scenic town has several spots with geographical significance, such as the Glass House Mountains and Baroon Pocket Dam. Two Aboriginal groups, the Nalbo and Dallambara people, occupied the area around Maleny prior to European settlement. Prussian explorer Ludwig Leinchhardt was said to be the first European to document the area in 1844, while the first European settlement was established in 1867 following the Gympie gold rush. Maleny was declared as a town in 1891 and became known for its timber and dairy. Today, the town enjoys a thriving tourism industry with day trippers from Brisbane and Sunshine Coast often visiting its stores, specialty shops, art galleries, recreation areas, farms and heritage-listed sites.

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