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Doonan is a suburban town located between the local government areas of the Sunshine Coast Council and the Shire of Noosa in the state of Queensland. The suburb’s name is supposedly derived from an Aboriginal word that means “leaf of a tree”. Doonan’s northern area is within the Shire of Noosa, while the southern end is within the Sunshine Coast region. Since the suburb is nestled between two local government areas, tourists can easily access several different landmarks and tourist attractions. These sites include the Noosa National Park, Sunshine Coast Recreational & Educational Park, Noosa Valley Country Club, Annie Drive Park, Verrierdale Hall, Verrierdale Rise Conservation Area, Eumundi Forest Reserve, Noomar Drive Park, Creek Par...

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Did you know this about Doonan?

Doonan is a suburban town located between the local government areas of the Sunshine Coast Council and the Shire of Noosa in the state of Queensland. The suburb’s name is supposedly derived from an Aboriginal word that means “leaf of a tree”. Doonan’s northern area is within the Shire of Noosa, while the southern end is within the Sunshine Coast

Doonan is a suburban town located between the local government areas of the Sunshine Coast Council and the Shire of Noosa in the state of Queensland. The suburb’s name is supposedly derived from an Aboriginal word that means “leaf of a tree”. Doonan’s northern area is within the Shire of Noosa, while the southern end is within the Sunshine Coast region. Since the suburb is nestled between two local government areas, tourists can easily access several different landmarks and tourist attractions. These sites include the Noosa National Park, Sunshine Coast Recreational & Educational Park, Noosa Valley Country Club, Annie Drive Park, Verrierdale Hall, Verrierdale Rise Conservation Area, Eumundi Forest Reserve, Noomar Drive Park, Creek Park, Robinsons Wines, Laguna Grove Park, Eumundi & District Pony Club, Lake Weyba Park, 'Glendalough' Iona College Outdoor Education Centre and the Bicentennial Lookout.

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