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Boulia is situated in the Central Outback in Queensland. The suburban town is about 1,413 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane, Australia. It is famous for the natural phenomenon of Min Min lights or Fata Morgana, where mysterious lights appear at night.
Lewis Lagoon, Mount Ninmaroo and Longsight Peak are some of the different geographical features that are found in the area of Boulia. The district of Boulia has a number of nearby tourist attractions as well. Some of these include John Flynn Place Museum, which celebrates the work of John Flynn and the Royal Flying Doctor Service, and Normanton Tourist Park, which is an oasis in the Tropical Golf Savannah.
The transportation services of Boulia are mainly connected...

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Did you know this about Boulia?

Boulia is situated in the Central Outback in Queensland. The suburban town is about 1,413 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane, Australia. It is famous for the natural phenomenon of Min Min lights or Fata Morgana, where mysterious lights appear at night.
Lewis Lagoon, Mount Ninmaroo and Longsight Peak are some of the different geographical features that are found

Boulia is situated in the Central Outback in Queensland. The suburban town is about 1,413 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane, Australia. It is famous for the natural phenomenon of Min Min lights or Fata Morgana, where mysterious lights appear at night.
Lewis Lagoon, Mount Ninmaroo and Longsight Peak are some of the different geographical features that are found in the area of Boulia. The district of Boulia has a number of nearby tourist attractions as well. Some of these include John Flynn Place Museum, which celebrates the work of John Flynn and the Royal Flying Doctor Service, and Normanton Tourist Park, which is an oasis in the Tropical Golf Savannah.
The transportation services of Boulia are mainly connected by the Boulia train station and also via the Boulia Airport. Town visitors who wish to stay for relaxation may choose from different nearby hotels, such as Boulia Desert Sands Motel, Australian Hotel Motel, Boulia Caravan Park, among many others.

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