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Palm Island is an Aboriginal community within the local government area of the Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council in Queensland. The picturesque island, which sits on the Great Barrier Reef, was named by James Cook in 1770. It is also called “Bwgcolman” or “the Mission” and a variety of other names. On March 1918, cyclones destroyed the structures of an Aboriginal settlement on the Hull River. After that, they relocated to Palm Island and were then known as the Bwgcolman People. Notable events in recent history include a symbolically declared independence from Australia in 2001. It was declared by the island’s self-appointed president, Jeremy Geia. The Palm Island State Emergency Services Cadet Group was also formed the same year.

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Did you know this about Palm Island?

Palm Island is an Aboriginal community within the local government area of the Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council in Queensland. The picturesque island, which sits on the Great Barrier Reef, was named by James Cook in 1770. It is also called “Bwgcolman” or “the Mission” and a variety of other names. On March 1918, cyclones destroyed the structures of an

Palm Island is an Aboriginal community within the local government area of the Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council in Queensland. The picturesque island, which sits on the Great Barrier Reef, was named by James Cook in 1770. It is also called “Bwgcolman” or “the Mission” and a variety of other names. On March 1918, cyclones destroyed the structures of an Aboriginal settlement on the Hull River. After that, they relocated to Palm Island and were then known as the Bwgcolman People. Notable events in recent history include a symbolically declared independence from Australia in 2001. It was declared by the island’s self-appointed president, Jeremy Geia. The Palm Island State Emergency Services Cadet Group was also formed the same year.

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