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Located on the Central Coast of Mackay and Whitsundays in the Shire of Nebo, Queensland, the suburb of Coppabella is about 777 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane. Some of the geographical features that surround Coppabella are Mount Marion, Boomerang Waterhole and Burton Range, to name a few. Coppabella has neighbouring tourist spots as well, including Mackay Tiger Moth Museum, which was built in 1974 to preserve a Tiger Moth that was in danger of being purchased by America, and Sea Fever Sportsfishing Whitsundays, which allows its customers to fish in the Great Barrier Reef. The town of Coppabella is primarily linked by two major transportation services: the Kowari train station and the Moranbah Airport. Tourists who wis...

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Did you know this about Coppabella?

Located on the Central Coast of Mackay and Whitsundays in the Shire of Nebo, Queensland, the suburb of Coppabella is about 777 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane. Some of the geographical features that surround Coppabella are Mount Marion, Boomerang Waterhole and Burton Range, to name a few. Coppabella has neighbouring tourist spots as well, including Mackay Tiger

Located on the Central Coast of Mackay and Whitsundays in the Shire of Nebo, Queensland, the suburb of Coppabella is about 777 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane. Some of the geographical features that surround Coppabella are Mount Marion, Boomerang Waterhole and Burton Range, to name a few. Coppabella has neighbouring tourist spots as well, including Mackay Tiger Moth Museum, which was built in 1974 to preserve a Tiger Moth that was in danger of being purchased by America, and Sea Fever Sportsfishing Whitsundays, which allows its customers to fish in the Great Barrier Reef. The town of Coppabella is primarily linked by two major transportation services: the Kowari train station and the Moranbah Airport. Tourists who wish to stay in town may choose from various hotels, like Direct Hotels – Monterey Moranbah and Oaks Moranbah.

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