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Situated on the Central Coast of the Banana Shire in Rockhampton, Queensland, Wowan is approximately 487 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane. Red Hill, Mount Spencer and Box Camp Lagoon are some of the various landscapes and seascapes that surround the town of Wowan. The vicinity of Wowan also has neighbouring tourist spots, including Archer Park Rail Museum, which is a transport museum with a rare French Purrey steam tram, and Cooberrie Park Wildlife Sanctuary, which lets its visitors cuddle a koala, hold a snake or feed their kangaroos and wallabies. To get to the residential district of Wowan, the main transport services used are the Littles Crossing train station and the Rockhampton Airport. Vacationists who wish to s...

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Did you know this about Wowan?

Situated on the Central Coast of the Banana Shire in Rockhampton, Queensland, Wowan is approximately 487 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane. Red Hill, Mount Spencer and Box Camp Lagoon are some of the various landscapes and seascapes that surround the town of Wowan. The vicinity of Wowan also has neighbouring tourist spots, including Archer Park Rail Museum,

Situated on the Central Coast of the Banana Shire in Rockhampton, Queensland, Wowan is approximately 487 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane. Red Hill, Mount Spencer and Box Camp Lagoon are some of the various landscapes and seascapes that surround the town of Wowan. The vicinity of Wowan also has neighbouring tourist spots, including Archer Park Rail Museum, which is a transport museum with a rare French Purrey steam tram, and Cooberrie Park Wildlife Sanctuary, which lets its visitors cuddle a koala, hold a snake or feed their kangaroos and wallabies. To get to the residential district of Wowan, the main transport services used are the Littles Crossing train station and the Rockhampton Airport. Vacationists who wish to stay in the area have hotel selections such as Cambridge Hotel Motel, Commercial Hotel Wowan and Dululu Hotel.

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