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Woorabinda is home to the only DOGIT Aboriginal community in the Central Queensland region. The community of Woorabinda has a special access to a land title system that is administered by the local council. About two hours away from the bustling city of Rockhampton, the Woorabinda community takes pride in the culture and traditions that the native Aboriginal community has brought in the area. The Wadja Wadja and Yungulu Aboriginal people are still thriving in the community until today. Woorabinda means “Kangaroo, sit down” in their language.
There is a nearby airstrip and police stations situated in the region. More than 50 clans are being represented as residents of the Woorabinda area, each having their own distinct language an...

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Did you know this about Woorabinda?

Woorabinda is home to the only DOGIT Aboriginal community in the Central Queensland region. The community of Woorabinda has a special access to a land title system that is administered by the local council. About two hours away from the bustling city of Rockhampton, the Woorabinda community takes pride in the culture and traditions that the native Aboriginal community has

Woorabinda is home to the only DOGIT Aboriginal community in the Central Queensland region. The community of Woorabinda has a special access to a land title system that is administered by the local council. About two hours away from the bustling city of Rockhampton, the Woorabinda community takes pride in the culture and traditions that the native Aboriginal community has brought in the area. The Wadja Wadja and Yungulu Aboriginal people are still thriving in the community until today. Woorabinda means “Kangaroo, sit down” in their language.
There is a nearby airstrip and police stations situated in the region. More than 50 clans are being represented as residents of the Woorabinda area, each having their own distinct language and tradition that makes the community an interesting place to visit. There are facilities that help the Aboriginal community to thrive on their own. They are given access to education and their main source of income comes from the traditional farming methods that they employ.

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