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Kirkwood is situated on the Central Coast of Rockhampton in Queensland. The suburban community is roughly 435 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane. Kirkwood is geographically bounded by several landscapes and seascapes, such as South Trees Inlet, Rich Rocks and Mud Island, among others. Kirkwood has a number of adjacent tourist spots as well. Some of these are Archer Park Rail Museum, which is a transport museum with a rare French Purrey steam tram, and Calliope River Historical Village, which is an open-air museum that contains exhibits of daily life and railway history. The vicinity of Kirkwood is mainly connected by the Boyne Valley Junction train station and the Gladstone Airport. Town visitors who wish to spend time i...

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Did you know this about Kirkwood?

Kirkwood is situated on the Central Coast of Rockhampton in Queensland. The suburban community is roughly 435 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane. Kirkwood is geographically bounded by several landscapes and seascapes, such as South Trees Inlet, Rich Rocks and Mud Island, among others. Kirkwood has a number of adjacent tourist spots as well. Some of these are

Kirkwood is situated on the Central Coast of Rockhampton in Queensland. The suburban community is roughly 435 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane. Kirkwood is geographically bounded by several landscapes and seascapes, such as South Trees Inlet, Rich Rocks and Mud Island, among others. Kirkwood has a number of adjacent tourist spots as well. Some of these are Archer Park Rail Museum, which is a transport museum with a rare French Purrey steam tram, and Calliope River Historical Village, which is an open-air museum that contains exhibits of daily life and railway history. The vicinity of Kirkwood is mainly connected by the Boyne Valley Junction train station and the Gladstone Airport. Town visitors who wish to spend time in the area may choose from various nearby hotels, like Camelot Motel, Oaks Grand Gladstone and Xenia Central Studio Accommodation, to name a few.

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