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Dakabin is located in the Moreton Bay Region of Queensland, about 26 kilometres away from Brisbane. The origin of the name “Dakabin” is the Aboriginal word for “grass tree” or “grass root”. One of the popular tourist attractions in Dakabin was the Alma Zoo, a 40-acre zoo filled with local and exotic species. The zoo was the oldest zoo in Queensland, but unfortunately closed in March of 2014. The zoo relocated to The Big Pineapple.
Another attraction in the area is the Lakeside International Raceway, now more widely known as Lakeside Park. The circuit opened in 1961 and is considered as the home of Queensland motorsport. The circuit was closed for seven years despite many protests from organisations and activist groups. The Lake...

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Did you know this about Dakabin?

Dakabin is located in the Moreton Bay Region of Queensland, about 26 kilometres away from Brisbane. The origin of the name “Dakabin” is the Aboriginal word for “grass tree” or “grass root”. One of the popular tourist attractions in Dakabin was the Alma Zoo, a 40-acre zoo filled with local and exotic species. The zoo was the oldest zoo in

Dakabin is located in the Moreton Bay Region of Queensland, about 26 kilometres away from Brisbane. The origin of the name “Dakabin” is the Aboriginal word for “grass tree” or “grass root”. One of the popular tourist attractions in Dakabin was the Alma Zoo, a 40-acre zoo filled with local and exotic species. The zoo was the oldest zoo in Queensland, but unfortunately closed in March of 2014. The zoo relocated to The Big Pineapple.
Another attraction in the area is the Lakeside International Raceway, now more widely known as Lakeside Park. The circuit opened in 1961 and is considered as the home of Queensland motorsport. The circuit was closed for seven years despite many protests from organisations and activist groups. The Lakeside Park was eventually reopened in 2008.

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