Find the businesses you need inHoltze, Darwin

Northern Territory

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Holtze is a rural suburb located southeast of Darwin’s central business district. The suburb was named after Maurice William Hotlze, who came to the area in 1878. He was a Government Gardener and was responsible for setting up Darwin’s Botanic Gardens, which were then called the Experimental Gardens. He had custody of land in the area from around 1883 until 1917, and used the land for agriculture.
In 2010, Northern Territory’s government stated that Darwin’s new precinct would be built in Holtze. The Doug Owston Correctional Centre, with a capacity of 800, serves as a minimum and maximum security prison for both females and males. The correctional centre features training and educational programs as well as treatment and rehabilita...

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Did you know this about Holtze?

Holtze is a rural suburb located southeast of Darwin’s central business district. The suburb was named after Maurice William Hotlze, who came to the area in 1878. He was a Government Gardener and was responsible for setting up Darwin’s Botanic Gardens, which were then called the Experimental Gardens. He had custody of land in the area from around 1883 until

Holtze is a rural suburb located southeast of Darwin’s central business district. The suburb was named after Maurice William Hotlze, who came to the area in 1878. He was a Government Gardener and was responsible for setting up Darwin’s Botanic Gardens, which were then called the Experimental Gardens. He had custody of land in the area from around 1883 until 1917, and used the land for agriculture.
In 2010, Northern Territory’s government stated that Darwin’s new precinct would be built in Holtze. The Doug Owston Correctional Centre, with a capacity of 800, serves as a minimum and maximum security prison for both females and males. The correctional centre features training and educational programs as well as treatment and rehabilitation for the prisoners.

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