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New South Wales

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Situated on the North Coast of Northern Rivers in New South Wales, the suburban community of Fairy Hill is approximately 592 kilometres away from the capital city of Sydney, Australia.
The town of Fairy Hill is bordered by several geographical features of landscapes and waterscapes, such as Mackellar Range, Fairy Mount and Disputed Plains, to mention a few. Fairy Hill has nearby tourist attractions as well, including Crawford House Museum, which is also known as the home of Alstonville Plateau Historical Society, and Ballina Beach Village & Wilderness Park, which is a famous holiday and retreat destination by the sea and rivers.
The area of Fairy Hill is mainly linked by the transport services of the Fairy Hill train station an...

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Did you know this about Fairy Hill?

Situated on the North Coast of Northern Rivers in New South Wales, the suburban community of Fairy Hill is approximately 592 kilometres away from the capital city of Sydney, Australia.
The town of Fairy Hill is bordered by several geographical features of landscapes and waterscapes, such as Mackellar Range, Fairy Mount and Disputed Plains, to mention a few. Fairy Hill has

Situated on the North Coast of Northern Rivers in New South Wales, the suburban community of Fairy Hill is approximately 592 kilometres away from the capital city of Sydney, Australia.
The town of Fairy Hill is bordered by several geographical features of landscapes and waterscapes, such as Mackellar Range, Fairy Mount and Disputed Plains, to mention a few. Fairy Hill has nearby tourist attractions as well, including Crawford House Museum, which is also known as the home of Alstonville Plateau Historical Society, and Ballina Beach Village & Wilderness Park, which is a famous holiday and retreat destination by the sea and rivers.
The area of Fairy Hill is mainly linked by the transport services of the Fairy Hill train station and also via the Lismore Airport. Travellers who wish to stay in town may choose from a wide selection of hotels, like Casino Motor Inn, AZA Motel and Lismore Wilson Motel, among several others.

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