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New South Wales

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Chatsworth is a small suburban town located in the local government area of the Clarence Valley Council in the state of New South Wales. The suburb is within the Lawrence-Woombah & District, which is generally a rural area. Farming is the predominant form of livelihood in Chatsworth. Historical records show that the arrival of loggers in the suburb and in surrounding areas paved the way for settlement to occur in the region. Chatsworth is surrounded by the Clarence River and other major features in the Lawrence-Woombah & District, including the Mororo Creek Nature Reserve, Gibberagee State Forest and the Mororo State Forest. Other places to visit near the suburb also include the Kooyong State Conservation Area and the Bundjalung Nation...

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Did you know this about Chatsworth?

Chatsworth is a small suburban town located in the local government area of the Clarence Valley Council in the state of New South Wales. The suburb is within the Lawrence-Woombah & District, which is generally a rural area. Farming is the predominant form of livelihood in Chatsworth. Historical records show that the arrival of loggers in the suburb and in

Chatsworth is a small suburban town located in the local government area of the Clarence Valley Council in the state of New South Wales. The suburb is within the Lawrence-Woombah & District, which is generally a rural area. Farming is the predominant form of livelihood in Chatsworth. Historical records show that the arrival of loggers in the suburb and in surrounding areas paved the way for settlement to occur in the region. Chatsworth is surrounded by the Clarence River and other major features in the Lawrence-Woombah & District, including the Mororo Creek Nature Reserve, Gibberagee State Forest and the Mororo State Forest. Other places to visit near the suburb also include the Kooyong State Conservation Area and the Bundjalung National Park.

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