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New South Wales

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Located on the North West Slopes of New South Wales, Gum Flat is approximately 454 kilometres away from the capital city of Sydney, Australia.
The suburban area of Gum Flat is bounded by several features of landscapes and waterscapes, such as Drakes Mountain, Gragin Peak and Plum Pudding Hill, to name a few. The town of Gum Flat boasts of adjacent tourist attractions as well, including Cranky Rock Nature Reserve, which features a spectacular jumble of granite boulders within serene bushlands, Wing Hing Long Heritage Emporium, which is considered to be “a living museum” and a monument to celebrate the Chinese influence on Australian rural life, and many more.
In terms of transportation services, Gum Flat is mainly linked by the...

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Did you know this about Gum Flat?

Located on the North West Slopes of New South Wales, Gum Flat is approximately 454 kilometres away from the capital city of Sydney, Australia.
The suburban area of Gum Flat is bounded by several features of landscapes and waterscapes, such as Drakes Mountain, Gragin Peak and Plum Pudding Hill, to name a few. The town of Gum Flat boasts of adjacent

Located on the North West Slopes of New South Wales, Gum Flat is approximately 454 kilometres away from the capital city of Sydney, Australia.
The suburban area of Gum Flat is bounded by several features of landscapes and waterscapes, such as Drakes Mountain, Gragin Peak and Plum Pudding Hill, to name a few. The town of Gum Flat boasts of adjacent tourist attractions as well, including Cranky Rock Nature Reserve, which features a spectacular jumble of granite boulders within serene bushlands, Wing Hing Long Heritage Emporium, which is considered to be “a living museum” and a monument to celebrate the Chinese influence on Australian rural life, and many more.
In terms of transportation services, Gum Flat is mainly linked by the Greenwood train station and also via the Armidale Airport. Hotels, such as Cousins Motor Inn and Sapphire City Motor Inn, are also readily available for travellers who wish to stay in the area.

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