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New South Wales

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Rouchel is a town under the local government area of the Upper Hunter Shire in New South Wales. It is located near Rouchel Brook, which has actually been designated as a river and is a perennial stream of the Hunter River catchment. The area of the Upper Hunter Shire is known as a horse-rearing region. One place of interest in the area surrounding Rouchel is the Burning Mountain Nature Reserve, which has a subterranean coal seam that has been burning for thousands of years. Other places that tourists who stay in Rouchel can explore include the numerous parks and nature reserves in the Upper Hunter Shire. They can also visit the Hunter River, one of the major bodies of water in New South Wales, to do a range of water activities includin...

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Did you know this about Rouchel?

Rouchel is a town under the local government area of the Upper Hunter Shire in New South Wales. It is located near Rouchel Brook, which has actually been designated as a river and is a perennial stream of the Hunter River catchment. The area of the Upper Hunter Shire is known as a horse-rearing region. One place of interest in

Rouchel is a town under the local government area of the Upper Hunter Shire in New South Wales. It is located near Rouchel Brook, which has actually been designated as a river and is a perennial stream of the Hunter River catchment. The area of the Upper Hunter Shire is known as a horse-rearing region. One place of interest in the area surrounding Rouchel is the Burning Mountain Nature Reserve, which has a subterranean coal seam that has been burning for thousands of years. Other places that tourists who stay in Rouchel can explore include the numerous parks and nature reserves in the Upper Hunter Shire. They can also visit the Hunter River, one of the major bodies of water in New South Wales, to do a range of water activities including boating.

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