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New South Wales

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Bowral is nestled at the base of Mount Gibraltar, which rises 863 metres above sea level. It is the largest town in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales. Located 118 km’s south of Sydney it serves as the main business and entertainment precinct of the Highlands.
Not only a popular holiday destination and retirees haven, Bowral, in a past era was a rural retreat for the elite gentry of Sydney resulting in the establishment of many historic estates and manor houses in the area.
Pronounced a “book-town” in 2000 and noted for an affiliation with literary figures it entices literature lovers from near and far and a touch of bohemian vibe draws Sydney-siders and visitors to Bowral to potter through interesting boutiques, anti...

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Did you know this about Bowral?

Bowral is nestled at the base of Mount Gibraltar, which rises 863 metres above sea level. It is the largest town in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales. Located 118 km’s south of Sydney it serves as the main business and entertainment precinct of the Highlands.
Not only a popular holiday destination and retirees haven, Bowral, in a

Bowral is nestled at the base of Mount Gibraltar, which rises 863 metres above sea level. It is the largest town in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales. Located 118 km’s south of Sydney it serves as the main business and entertainment precinct of the Highlands.
Not only a popular holiday destination and retirees haven, Bowral, in a past era was a rural retreat for the elite gentry of Sydney resulting in the establishment of many historic estates and manor houses in the area.
Pronounced a “book-town” in 2000 and noted for an affiliation with literary figures it entices literature lovers from near and far and a touch of bohemian vibe draws Sydney-siders and visitors to Bowral to potter through interesting boutiques, antique stores and enjoy gourmet café’s and restaurants.
Today the township is most renowned for the “The Bradman Oval” and “International Cricket Hall of Fame” dedicated to the achievements of Sir Donald Bradman, a real highlight for cricket fans.
Bowral plays host to “Tulip Time” held each year through September and October, attracting gardening enthusiasts who embark on a town erupting into fields of bloom and colour. It is renowned as one of the leading floral festivals in the country.
Constructed along the Mittagong Rivulet, Cherry Tree Walk, a Vietnam War Memorial tribute, displays 526 cherry trees, each dedicated to a soldier who died in service and the cooler climate and fertile soil in the region has seen an emergence of vineyards, wineries and cellar doors. The township is in close proximity to Mittagong, the wine capital of the Southern Highlands.

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