A plumber will unclog the toilet tank by using a plunger with steady strokes or a toilet snake with full power.

In order to unclog a toilet, you will need to know how it works, and the supplies that you will need. Flushes work by using gravity and a siphoning process. As water flows into the toilet bowl from the tank, it enters through what is known as the flush rim openings. The rim openings are connected to pipes that lead directly down into the drain for disposing of wastewater. Once all of the water has entered through these openings, gravity forces whatever is in your toilet bowl out through another set of openings located on the bottom called an S bend or J bend. If any blockage in the clogged toilet is present within this area, then you will not be able to complete a proper flush and your situation may require professional assistance. A plumber will unclog the toilet tank by using a plunger or a toilet snake with full power. In some cases, chemicals may need to be added to the toilet in order to break down any blockage like baking soda and vinegar, hot water or plunger or other harsher ones when household ingredients like baking soda and wire coat hanger fail.

What do plumbers use to unclog toilets?

The plunger is one of the most common tools used for unclogging flushes that has been blocked with paper towels for example. A plunger works by using suction to clear blockages within the toilet drain of a blocked toilet and get the water supply running again by giving a good seal and an air seal and can even be better than using hot water. First push it in the flush gently with regular strokes. This device will completely seal off the opening in your toilet bowl and create a vacuum that breaks up any blockage causing the problem. Some plumbers may prefer using an auger or toilet snake, which has a sharp spiral end that can break through foreign objects stuck in between your drain opening and can unclog the entire toilet.

There are also chemicals available at any hardware store that you could add to your clogged toilet and sewer line if plunging does not work and the foul odours remain. These types of chemicals are meant to assist with breaking up sludge, clogged toilet flapper, toilet paper or sediment built up of toilet water over time. A professional might recommend other cleaning products besides just chemical additives depending on the severity of your clog. Sometimes a dish soap and baking soda is also used to remove the clog or loosen it.

If you want to try it at home use a small container like a rubber cup to slowly pour one cup to two cups of the chemical or vinegar solution into the bowl and get it inside the toilet base. Use old clothes or an old towel to mop of any dirt on the floor, wait a few minutes for the chemical reaction to occur and flush. If the above methods fail, its time to give some licensed plumbers a call to come in with their high-quality plunger. Most clogs do not give a serious problem and flushing with a plunger in the bathroom to unclog can work before you call a plumber. This can also work for a sink and prevents permanent damage.

What does an auger do?

An auger is another popular device used by plumbers for unclogging toilets. This device works with a rotating metal cable that has a sharp, coiled end. By inserting the spiral end of the cable into your drain opening and turning it clockwise, you can break up any blockage causing the clog.

A plumbing snake may be another option to use for unclogging your toilet if an auger doesn't work with rubber gloves. With this tool, the cable is wound around a reel that looks like a handle. It also has a sharp cable at its end that will be inserted into your toilet bowl and fed down through the S bend or J bend until it reaches any blockages causing trouble. When rotating this cable counterclockwise, you will be able to break up the blockage and force it through the opening.

Will a toilet eventually unclog itself?

A toilet can eventually unclog itself if the blockage causing trouble is not too serious. If it is only a mild blockage, then your clogged toilet might empty on its own after a few days of waiting. However, you should still consider contacting a plumber to take a look at your clogged drain and provide professional options for restoring functionality to your toilet.

How do you fix the tank on an older model toilet?

If you have an older style or model toilet that has lost any functionality in its tank due to wear and tear over time, there are some things that you can attempt yourself before calling in help. Flush handles tend to be one of the most common parts within the tanks of old flushes that stop functioning. Often this is caused by clogging or build-up of sediment needing to be removed from within the flush handle and tank area. If this is causing you trouble, you may need to take apart your old toilet and clean any blockages present in order to restore its functionality. You can also try changing out your old flush handle with a new one if there was not anything blocking it before to get a better sectional seal.

If you are having constant issue with your water, why not try a waterless toilet? The Australian Government's Your Home website has some great information about them.

What do plumbers do for other plumbing problems?

A plumber will fix many different types of plumbing issues with closet auger or other tools that occur in the home such as:

  • Leaky faucets.

  • Leaking pipes.

  • Broken water heater.

  • Clogged drain/sink/shower.

  • Leaky toilets.

Some might have a specific area that they focus on such as just fixing drains or leaking pipes with rubber gloves. This can help you decide who to call for assistance so your issue gets taken care of the first time around instead of having to schedule multiple visits from different professionals.

When should you call a plumber for a clogged toilet?

If you face any of the following problems, it may be time to call in a professional plumber because these are signs of a badly clogged toilet.
  • There is water leaking out from underneath your toilet.

  • Your flush water will not flush completely or has become slower at flushing than normal.

  • You can hear extra running water or gurgling sounds when your toilet is flushed.

How do I unclog a toilet when a plunger doesn't work?

There are some scenarios where installing a plunger will not be enough to address clogs in the drain line. You can try using a dish soap but if that doesn't work too then you need other things to do. These include cases of more severe blockages of clogged toilets, such as those caused by objects that have become lodged in the drain or damage to your drain pipes below your toilet. If you find yourself facing this type of problem, there are options besides just calling a plumber right away. First, try using a chemical drain cleaner. This type of cleaner works by using powerful chemicals to break up any building up of gunk in your toilet drain on the toilet bowl's edge. It also may be possible for you to use the plunger again with the drain cleaners after this chemical has had time to start working its magic if you are still faced with a clog that does not clear up easily. If neither of these options provides relief, it is time to give your plumber a call. Don't try experimenting with the toilet bowl unnecessarily with fold-out rubber flange in the toilet trap.

What can you use to unclog a toilet without a plunger?

If using a chemical drain cleaner does not work or your clog is too severe for this solution, then there are other options that you can try and the baking soda and vinegar will not work here. Using a plumbing snake for toilet clogs within the dry toilet bowl may be able to clear most blockages if inserted correctly and used with a little force. Another method involves pouring hot water into your clogged toilet from waist height in order to scald whatever material might be causing the problem before plunging again to pull it free from the drain pipes. In some cases, though they are rarer, it may also be possible for you to remove the toilet trap way cover yourself to reach the blockage inside.