Quality mulches are usually made up of wood chips that are dyed in most cases by black carbon dye.

Black mulch is an additional layer of black material applied to the garden soil. The application of mulch is usually for the essence of reducing the loss of water from the soil in moisture form. Mulch is also used to control soil temperature, plant growth optimisation and reduction of weeds in the garden.

Black mulch can either be dyed mulch or naturally appearing black dyed mulches. Quality mulches are usually made up of wood chips that are dyed in most cases by black carbon dye. This carbon dye is mostly preferred because it's natural, not toxic and safe for use. The black mulch brings out the best contrast with green plants making them more appealing.

Other than using dyed mulches, black plastic sheeting can also be used as mulch. It's suitable for strawberry and vegetable gardens. This plastic mulch absorbs extra heat when it's hot and regulates the soil temperature hence protecting plants from extreme heat. It also prevents the sprouting of weeds.

Rubber mulch can also be used in absence of recycled wood mulch. Recycled tyres are shredded into small pieces and are best for temperature regulation and for hindering weed germination. Although inorganic black mulches can be used, organic biodegradable mulching is the most sought after.

What are the benefits of black mulch?

The use of black mulch either inorganic or biodegradable dyed mulch is highly beneficial. First, they help in ground moisture preservation. The mulch layer helps to maintain the humid state of the soil ensuring that plants are adequately moisturised. Wood shavings and other organic materials used for mulching decompose and enhance garden nutrients for the plants. The black colour in the mulch also enhances the plant colour and improves the general outlook of the garden's landscape. Black mulch also acts as a protective barrier to the plants from scorching sunlight. It insulates crops during very high and low temperatures. A gardening system with black mulch is assured of reduced weed sprouting hence no competition for nutrients. Black mulch is also essential for preventing the rotting of crops for example strawberries that need to be raised above the ground. Crop diseases are also minimised as the mulches reduce the splashing of ground particles to the leaves.

Is black mulch any good?

Black mulches are a good for example of wood chips which add a natural cover to the garden. A well-done landscaping process will ensure the dark mulch perfectly blends in with plants and surrounding trees. Some people prefer brown and red mulch, however, using dark mulch brings out the elegance and vibrancy of the garden. It appears more natural and instead of the mulch being more noticeable, it enhances the bold colour without being so much conspicuous. Dark mulch is suitable for gardeners who don't like mulch appearance. This is because dark mulch from far appears like soil and reduces the level of protrusion. If you plan on using mulch in your garden, it's recommended that you use biodegradable mulch since it can decompose and it's not harmful to the environment.