Provides the soil with nitrogen and potassium that is critical for plant health.

Keeping the soil enriched is the best way to ensure plant growth. Mulching enriches the soil with many essential nutrients for the plants. It favours the growth of micro organisms that further support plant growth. Lucerne mulch has a number of benefits, including the below.

  • It provides the soil with nitrogen and potassium, critical for plant health.

  • It inhibits the growth of weeds and helps retain moisture in the soil.

  • Soil does not need chemical fertilisers.

  • The light colour of lucerne mulch is a great agent in keeping the soil cool in the summer.

  • Natural hormones in the mulch stimulate root growth.

  • Lucerne is food for worms and becomes means for better soil aeration.

Is lucerne mulch good for roses?

Mulch is known to have a very nourishing effect on even the most high-maintenance fruit trees. Even roses are known to benefit from the high nitrogen content in lucerne mulch. In addition, lucerne mulch has a plant growth stimulant called Triacontanal. It is essentially a plant growth stimulant and is derived from the wax on the stem of lucerne. Lucerne hay is the best way to save money and provide enough mulch for your garden. Lucerne hay has biscuits that are 10cm in size that you can break off easily and place in your plants. For roses that have been planted for over a year, you can spread the mulch right up to the base of the plant. If they are newly planted, then keep them 5cm away from the plant. Lucerne mulch breaks down fast. This is because its carbon to nitrogen ratio and makes it all the more beneficial for your roses.

What is the best quality mulch?

There are many types of mulches that you can add to your garden and each one has separate advantages and disadvantages over the other. Here are five common types of mulches and their properties.


This can be more expensive than other mulches but is excellent if you have a compost bin. This is a perfect way of adding humus to the soil.

Pea straw

Pea straw mulch has high nitrogen content and breaks down quickly, making it ideal for poor soils. However, it needs to be topped up regularly.

Sugar cane

Dried sugar cane are readily and cheaply available. They break down quickly, encouraging the actions of soil organisms. It's great for vegetable gardens.

Barks and wood chips

These mulches are used where the soil is good. They help retain moisture, but they can cause nitrogen deficiency.