Mulching the gardens is more than giving your home or office a cool appearance.

Mulching is a good landscaping option to consider. Mulching the gardens is more than giving your home or office a cool appearance. To the plants, mulch preserves the soil moisture.

Among organic mulches, consider either the cypress mulch or the hardwood mulch. Cypress mulch is the bark of grounded cypress trees. It is dark coloured and has an appealing aroma, like the cedar mulch, that acts as a repellent to pests and insects. Cypress mulch has a natural resistance to fungus. Cypress mulch is very durable. Among the mulches, it lasts 2-3 times compared to other options.

Hardwood mulch comes either from barks of trees species like oak and hickory. In some cases is a byproduct of shredded leftover timber sourced from buildings. This type may contain foreign non-tree material like chemical remains, nails or plastics. It is highly fibrous. This feature makes it knit in well on application making it very good in control of soil erosion. Unlike cypress, hardwood mulch is less long-lasting because it breaks down quicker.

Is cypress mulch better than regular mulch?

To landscape your garden, you have a wide range of regular mulch to choose from. How do these compare to cypress mulch?

Grass clippings

Grass clippings, a natural mulch, is easily accessible. It is ideal for vegetable beds. They are nitrogen rich too. They carry grass or weed seeds that grow in the mulched area. Using cypress mulch, on the other hand, controls the growth of grass and weeds.

Wood chips

Wood chips mulch is one of the best in assisting the soil to retain water. The chips are great in moderating mulched area temperature and weed control. They are easy to access. Wood chips release acidity in the mulched area. They attract termites and are a fire hazard in wildfire-prone regions. Cypress mulch, on the contrary, is pest resistant and does not acidify the soil.

Pine bark mulch

Pine needles and pine bark mulch are very popular. They are cheap. However, they decompose faster and alter the acidity of mulched area. Cypress mulch gives the yard long lasting cover. Investing in it is value for money. It also does not interfere with soil acidity properties.

What are the benefits of hardwood mulch?

First and foremost, it provides the conventional benefits of regular mulches. These are water retention, weeds and temperature regulation and root protection. Additionally, since it is organic and its natural characteristics, it decomposes faster. Thus the nutrients are released back to the soil quicker. Hardwood is sourced from a variety of timber materials. These include chippings of shredded branches, old construction wood or scrapped wood from lumber yards. It is available in different sizes and colours like red, golden or brown to suit your landscape tastes. Hardwood mulch gets alkaline during decay. It is ideal for plants that thrive well in such conditions. The ground cover capability that protects the surface from soil erosion is attractive to termites. It is therefore not recommended to apply near the foundation of the house.