Polyurethane and melamine are the two most common materials used for finishing kitchen items.

If you are looking to install polyurethane in your cabinet and pantry doors and drawers then it's important to remember that the best quality items won't always be on the lower end of the price scale.

Polyurethane ensures durability and longevity. This investment can seem daunting at first but ultimately pays off with long-term savings through easier maintenance.

On average, installing polyurethane material in your kitchen door, cabinet, and other items will range from $5,000 to $10,000. For example, if you need more polyurethane, factors like the design and size of your drawer, door, cabinet, benchtops, among others, make the renovation project costly. The price of benchtops, especially stone, is an important consideration.

Below are some additional costs to keep in mind as you make your decision.

  • A new kitchen of this type would require matching flooring, which can cost anywhere from $2,500-$4,000.

  • To keep the kitchen looking fresh, you need a yearly maintenance budget of between $250 and $500.

Polyurethane vs melamine kitchen

Polyurethane and melamine are the two most common materials used for finishing kitchen items like cabinet doors, drawers, pantry doors, etc. However, they have some differences you should consider before deciding on which to buy.


In terms of longevity, polyurethane is the winner. With a colourfast formula, which helps resist scratches and stains better than melamine. Plus, it doesn't peel in the corner.


Either way, you will need to scrub away stains and spills that have accumulated to keep your kitchen hygienically clean.


The cost of a polyurethane kitchen door is higher than that of a melamine door and colour options are greater. There is no need for coating or painting.

Appeal and profiling

While both materials are colourless, polyurethane makes kitchen doors, drawers, cabinets and the pantry more appealing. It also gives your door more colour options and needs no coasting.

Is polyurethane good for kitchen cabinets?

Poly is a good finishing material for your kitchen cabinet doors. It offers endless styling and colour options depending on the tone you want. It's the leading material used in kitchen cabinets, pantry doors and panel finishes.

Poly offers unlimited possibilities that suit both traditional and contemporary designs. It's also available in various finishes like satin, matt, semi-gloss, and high gloss. Even if your cabinet doors don't have a flat face, you can still use polyurethane in your cabinet door regardless of its design or style.

With this material, you don't need to laminate doors or drawers edges with tape because the spray paint makes the corner appear invisible. Also, it does not peel like vacuumed sealed or laminate finishes. Considering having your kitchen resurfaced? Check out our cost guide.

Lastly, it adds that wow factor to the kitchen door, pantry door, cabinet, drawers, and panel. It's also easy to clean and maintain.