The price of dentures is directly proportional to the quality of materials used and overall fit.

Dentures are customised, detachable false teeth. They are usually recommended by dentists if the patient has some missing teeth or the whole set of teeth is missing. As per the Australian Dental Association (ADA), dentures cost an average of $3,231 for both upper jaw and lower jaw dentures. An upper or lower jaw denture costs around $1,782. There are many factors that play a role in determining the cost of dentures. Complete dentures will cost more than partial dentures. The denture cost can also be influenced by the customisation material chosen. Acrylic dentures have an average cost of $4,620 for both upper jaw and lower jaw complete dentures. The treatment plan chosen, dentist, the extent of preparation involved and whether extraction of natural teeth is a necessity all influence denture prices.

What types of dentures are there?

Dentures are made according to specific dental needs. They are customised to meet a set of specific requirements including the size, shape and location in the mouth.

Complete dentures

These replace the whole teeth set in either of the jaws or both. They are further categorised into traditional and cosmetic dentures.

Immediate dentures

These can be partial or full dentures that are implanted instantly after undergoing tooth extractions. Immediate dentures fit perfectly and are gentle to the swollen gums to facilitate the healing process.

Partial dentures

These are used in cases where only a few replacement teeth are required.

Removable partial dentures have a detachable base matching the colour of the gums. These dentures rely on natural teeth for support and are adjustable for easier removal.

Implant-supported dentures

These are dental implants put intact by the use of implants in the jaws. Dentures may wear off over time, luckily, instead of replacing them, you can just do a repair at a cheaper cost and use them for more years.

What are the best dentures to get?

The making of dentures is different from one to the other depending on the dental requirement of the patients. For proper oral health, go for dentures that fit perfectly and complement well with your face for a better look and an awesome smile that will boost your self-esteem. The best dentures are those that are made from quality material and are customised to ensure a perfect fit. Be advised that the best dentures cost more. Before an implant, a dentist should advise on the best suitable denture for each case. The quality of dentures also depends on the kind of material used. Most of the dentures are made from acrylic resin, metal and porcelain. If you have had teeth removed, an immediate denture is the best for you. For cases of tooth loss and the gums are healed, conventional dentures are the best option. A partial denture is also best for fitting gaps between the natural teeth. They come in both removable and fixed forms. Fixed dentures are also considered the best because they last longer. They include fixed bridge and implant-supported dentures. These are fixed on the jaw bone through a surgical procedure. Even though you may go for the best dentures, they may also not last due to poor oral hygiene.

How long does it take to get dentures?

The precise time for having dentures made is based on on the type of denture you need, teeth condition and gum state. The full process might go from weeks up to months. You will require several visitations to the dentist for a dental check-up, consultations and discussions. A dentist will first assess your teeth and gum and give recommendations on a suitable denture.

If you have teeth that should be removed, the teeth will be extracted before going any further. You can also be fitted with immediate dentures after removal if you meet the conditions for a temporary replacement solution. These are made earlier before you go for tooth removal so that they can be fitted immediately after the removal.

Your impression is also recorded. The actual impressions of the mouth and appearances of the teeth and gum are recorded for perfect designing of the denture. This ensures that patients get correct dentures that will complement perfectly their face and smile.

Impressions are taken to the lab for the creation of dentures and this may take a few weeks. This may involve bite moulds and test on wax models to ensure it's comfortable in the mouth. Once the final versions are ready, the patient tries them on to ascertain whether they fit well and are comfortable. Necessary adjustments can be made to ensure perfect functionality.

Are dentures painful?

Dentures come with their challenges. They can get loose during the healing process or the mouth fit can change. Sometimes, people who wear dentures experience pain when they chew or for wearing them the whole day. This can be nerve pain which is a side effect or the pain may be a result of the improper fitting of the dentures. Improper cleaning procedures of the dentures may lead to the breeding of bacteria leading to yeast formation underneath the dentures. It's essential to ensure that they are thoroughly cleaned to avoid bacterial infection. During healing, the mouth can change. These changes may cause the dentures to misalign or fit imperfectly. An improperly fit denture will rub the gums leading to terrible pain when eating because of the pressure exerted on the sensitive nerves of the jaws. Patients may also experience pain during the early days of wearing. This may be because the jaws are taking time to adjust. However, if the pain continues, one should see the dentist for adjustment or denture treatment.