Material and construction costs constitute a considerable part of the construction build.

The cost of building a three bedroom house involves investing a significant amount of money and significant costs in labour. Labour costs will depend on the expertise required and availability. Also, plan for other building costs such as getting a house plan and planning permits. Home builders unavailable to manage the construction of the new house may need the services of a project manager. Using one will increase the average costs. The average square metre cost of building a 3 bedroom house is below.

  • Basic $1500 per square metre.

  • Full brick $1700 per square metre.

  • Double brick $2000 per square metre.

Basic construction cost is just the building itself, including foundations, walls, floors, and roof. Full brick includes all of these plus plasterboard for interior walls and exterior render to give your house a traditional look Double brick adds insulation in walls so you can turn down heating costs by up to 30 per cent. Double brick also increases sound insulation to cut out external noise.

Benefits of building your own home

The benefits of building your own home include the below.

  • Creating your ideal floor space on an affordable block of land within your budget.

  • Having some input into how the house is built as well as choosing the builder that you feel comfortable working with.

  • Saving money by using more energy-efficient products such as solar panels and triple-glazed windows can reduce the cost to build.

  • Developing skills for life.

  • Affordable home builder loans.

What other costs can you expect to pay when building a house?

You can expect to pay some additional costs such as the below.

  • Fees paid to council for permits and approvals.

  • Cost of landscape or garden design.

  • Additional storage space for building materials if you're not using them immediately.

  • Legal expenses. Although the builder may be responsible for obtaining council approval on your behalf, it's a good idea to have an independent solicitor check over any legal documents before signing.

  • Insurance. Most lenders require it for a home loan.

What other factors increase cost of a project home?

Other factors will impact the total cost to build other than the site costs of materials and labour. In the property market, the average price of an average house built by a volume builder will be lower. Custom built homes will lead to cost blow outs.

Expect to pay extra costs to have soil quality testing. A house built on a sloping block costs more to build. Expect to pay a higher price for the house because of the expertise required, special building requirements for flood prone areas, and cost to build retaining walls where they may be required.

Imported materials affect the final cost of your three bedroom house. The cost of materials is affected by the volatile exchange rates. Significant delays in delivery of imported materials or labour or disruption of supply chains can occur, driving the final project cost to build way higher above estimates.

Approximate costs for luxury homes or an average dwelling with amenities such as air conditioning, brick veneer, or ceramic tiles finish will cost more per square foot or metre.

Finishing costs

When you move into your new home, you'll need to consider the inclusions

  • Painting interior walls.

  • Installing blinds or curtains.

  • Floor coverings.

  • Bathroom inclusions such as vanities, basins and tiles.

  • Kitchen inclusions such as benchtops, ovens and cooktops.

  • Lighting.

What's the average time to construct a home in Australia?

Construction time varies from six to 12 months. You must take into account a variety of factors such as the below.

  • When you can start building after the contract is signed.

  • Whether approvals are needed from the local council before construction begins.

  • What type of design and materials you're using.

  • How busy the builder's schedule is.

  • Complex designs, renovations, or other projects may add months to your build time.

What types of 3 bedroom houses can I build in Australia?

A standard 3-bedroom house typically it has two bathrooms and two living areas. You can determine your own floor plan depending on the site constraints, budget, and personal tastes however asking a builder is the best place to start.

Traditional home on a foundation with brick and tile exterior and a pitched roof.

A modern design, such as an A-frame or flat-roofed home that makes the most of its compact size.

Some types of materials such as steel and timber can support taller ceilings than conventional construction materials such as bricks and tiles. This enables you to create higher living spaces without building up, giving you the option to build a multilevel home.

What room layout is best for families?

If your family is still growing, there's no better feeling than building your own house for your growing family. Your own house is designed just the way you want it. It's not all about floor plans, though. You need to think about the below as well.

  • Plenty of outdoor entertaining space.

  • Fence or secure yard for kids playing outside.

  • More bedrooms with extra bathroom(s) if needed.

  • Larger living spaces with high ceilings to make the most of natural light flow throughout the property.

  • Carefully considered water usage. Simple options such as dual flush toilets can help reduce the amount of water used by up to 40 per cent.

  • Double glazing is another simple step to take that can reduce your heating and cooling bill by up to 20 per cent.

What are the most popular 3 bedroom houses in Australia?

  • Bungalow style with an open plan living area for easy access between living areas.

  • L-shaped floor plans that provide more efficient use of space, especially in smaller blocks.

  • Bi-level designs for families that want the option to separate private and communal spaces.

  • Townhouses offer low maintenance, but they're usually small dwellings on small lots with little outdoor space.

  • Multi-level homes offer plenty of outdoor space and privacy without sacrificing too much storage space inside. They also reduce noise levels since not all rooms are below another room.

  • Multi-level homes can be either a modern, open floor plan that makes use of the building's shape or a more traditional layout with separate living areas for quiet and privacy.

How long does it take to build a 3 bedroom house?

Construction time varies from six to 12 months. You must take into account a variety of factors such as the below. Your builder would be the best person to ask.
  • When you can start building after the contract is signed.

  • Whether approvals are needed from the local council before construction begins.

  • What type of design and materials you're using.

  • How busy the builder's schedule is.

  • Complex designs, renovations, or other projects may add months to your build time.

Is it cheaper to build or buy a 3 bedroom home?

Depending on the project and level of detail, building a house can be more affordable than buying an existing house. There may be government incentives available for building project homes and reducing your carbon footprint.

The cost of buying an existing home depends on the current market value and what's included in that price. You want to be sure you're getting more space for your money or that there aren't any hidden costs like renovations. If your home is already built, you can't change it to suit you. But if you build your own house, there's no limit to how much you can personalise it. It can be totally unique and designed to fit your family for life.

Home buyers considering buying or building can seek independent advice from professionals and companies in the home building sector to get an accurate idea of what would be best for them.

Take a look at YourHome for more information on building a home.