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Roughly 111 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane, the district of Weyba Downs is situated in the south eastern part of Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. Its name was derived from an Aboriginal term that literally means “place of stingrays.”
Several landscapes and seascapes are found around the vicinity of Weyba Downs. Some of these are Lake Weyba, Mount Peregian and Doonella Lake. Weyba Downs houses many nearby tourist attractions too, including Fraser Island Discovery, which offers an exciting four-wheel drive adventure around Sunshine Coast and Gingertown Motor Garage, which features Australian goodies like handmade porcelain dolls, motoring memorabilia and sweet condiments.
The suburban community of Weyb...

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Did you know this about Weyba Downs?

Roughly 111 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane, the district of Weyba Downs is situated in the south eastern part of Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. Its name was derived from an Aboriginal term that literally means “place of stingrays.”
Several landscapes and seascapes are found around the vicinity of Weyba Downs. Some of these are Lake Weyba, Mount

Roughly 111 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane, the district of Weyba Downs is situated in the south eastern part of Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. Its name was derived from an Aboriginal term that literally means “place of stingrays.”
Several landscapes and seascapes are found around the vicinity of Weyba Downs. Some of these are Lake Weyba, Mount Peregian and Doonella Lake. Weyba Downs houses many nearby tourist attractions too, including Fraser Island Discovery, which offers an exciting four-wheel drive adventure around Sunshine Coast and Gingertown Motor Garage, which features Australian goodies like handmade porcelain dolls, motoring memorabilia and sweet condiments.
The suburban community of Weyba Downs is primarily connected by the transport services of the Eumundi train station and also via the Sunshine Coast Airport. Town visitors who wish to stay for vacation may choose from hotels such as 14 Plover Street, The Retreat Beach Houses and Seacove Resort, among several others.

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