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If you are looking for a quiet little suburb in the Townsville City area, Cungulla offers an impressive residential area that is close to the Coral Sea. The area can be accessed through Australia’s A1 Highway, which connects it to Cairns, Ingham and Home Hill. Those working in Townsville City can live within the suburb of Cungulla. The area is nearby the central business district of Townsville City, giving residents easy access to shopping centres and commercial avenues like the Flinders Plaza Shopping Centre. There are parks, playgrounds, schools and other government facilities around the Cungulla area, making it ideal for families.
The suburb is near popular tourist spots in the Townsville City area. There are cathedrals, office...

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Did you know this about Cungulla?

If you are looking for a quiet little suburb in the Townsville City area, Cungulla offers an impressive residential area that is close to the Coral Sea. The area can be accessed through Australia’s A1 Highway, which connects it to Cairns, Ingham and Home Hill. Those working in Townsville City can live within the suburb of Cungulla. The area is

If you are looking for a quiet little suburb in the Townsville City area, Cungulla offers an impressive residential area that is close to the Coral Sea. The area can be accessed through Australia’s A1 Highway, which connects it to Cairns, Ingham and Home Hill. Those working in Townsville City can live within the suburb of Cungulla. The area is nearby the central business district of Townsville City, giving residents easy access to shopping centres and commercial avenues like the Flinders Plaza Shopping Centre. There are parks, playgrounds, schools and other government facilities around the Cungulla area, making it ideal for families.
The suburb is near popular tourist spots in the Townsville City area. There are cathedrals, offices and courthouses that are considered to be of importance in the local culture. Those visiting the Cungulla suburb may do so through a number of bus routes that pass nearby. For those looking to see stunning views of the Coral Sea, Cungulla is the place to be.

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