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A locality under the local government area of the Shire of Livingstone in the Capricornia Region of Central Queensland, Mount Chalmers is situated 34.1 kilometres northeast of Rockhampton, 8.3 kilometres southwest of Cawarral, 26.6 kilometres west of Emu Park, 5.9 kilometres west of Tungamull and 669 kilometres northwest of Brisbane. Mount Chalmers was a former mining town that started out with the discovery of gold in 1860 and commencement of mining operations in 1869. However, gold and copper mining in the area were short-lived, with major copper mining operations ending in 1914. Even so, brief resurgences in mining works occurred in 1935, 1942 and 1979. Today, Mount Chalmers is primarily a residential locality and dormitory town, wi...

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Did you know this about Mount Chalmers?

A locality under the local government area of the Shire of Livingstone in the Capricornia Region of Central Queensland, Mount Chalmers is situated 34.1 kilometres northeast of Rockhampton, 8.3 kilometres southwest of Cawarral, 26.6 kilometres west of Emu Park, 5.9 kilometres west of Tungamull and 669 kilometres northwest of Brisbane. Mount Chalmers was a former mining town that started out

A locality under the local government area of the Shire of Livingstone in the Capricornia Region of Central Queensland, Mount Chalmers is situated 34.1 kilometres northeast of Rockhampton, 8.3 kilometres southwest of Cawarral, 26.6 kilometres west of Emu Park, 5.9 kilometres west of Tungamull and 669 kilometres northwest of Brisbane. Mount Chalmers was a former mining town that started out with the discovery of gold in 1860 and commencement of mining operations in 1869. However, gold and copper mining in the area were short-lived, with major copper mining operations ending in 1914. Even so, brief resurgences in mining works occurred in 1935, 1942 and 1979. Today, Mount Chalmers is primarily a residential locality and dormitory town, with majority of its residents commuting to the more urban suburbs of Rockhampton for employment, shopping and commercial services.

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