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Toolooa is a suburb under the local government area of the Gladstone Regional Council. It is located 5 kilometres away from Gladstone Central and one can reach it by driving onto Dalrymple Drive from either the Gladstone Benaraby Road or Glenlyon Road. The name Toolooa comes from an Aboriginal word in the Baiali language for Barneys Point and the people who used to live there. Early settlement of Toolooa began in the latter half of the 19th century. Residents of Toolooa can conduct their sports and other recreational activities at the nearby Meteors Sports Grounds and Toolooa Park, or admire the lush Tondoon Botanic Gardens, where they can picnic by Tondoon Lake. For services and more urban facilities, residents of Toolooa can take a s...

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Did you know this about Toolooa?

Toolooa is a suburb under the local government area of the Gladstone Regional Council. It is located 5 kilometres away from Gladstone Central and one can reach it by driving onto Dalrymple Drive from either the Gladstone Benaraby Road or Glenlyon Road. The name Toolooa comes from an Aboriginal word in the Baiali language for Barneys Point and the people

Toolooa is a suburb under the local government area of the Gladstone Regional Council. It is located 5 kilometres away from Gladstone Central and one can reach it by driving onto Dalrymple Drive from either the Gladstone Benaraby Road or Glenlyon Road. The name Toolooa comes from an Aboriginal word in the Baiali language for Barneys Point and the people who used to live there. Early settlement of Toolooa began in the latter half of the 19th century. Residents of Toolooa can conduct their sports and other recreational activities at the nearby Meteors Sports Grounds and Toolooa Park, or admire the lush Tondoon Botanic Gardens, where they can picnic by Tondoon Lake. For services and more urban facilities, residents of Toolooa can take a short drive to Gladstone Central.

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