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Situated on the Central Coast of Rockhampton in Queensland, Glendale is approximately 534 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane. Gracemere Lagoon, Mount Sliepner and Lake Mary are some of these various landscapes and seascapes that surround the town of Glendale. The vicinity of Glendale also has neighbouring tourist spots, including Archer Park Rail Museum, which is a transport museum with a rare French Purrey steam tram, and Koorana Crocodile Farm, which opened in 1981 and was the first commercial crocodile farm in Queensland. To get around the residential district of Glendale, the main transport services used are the Applegarth train station and the Rockhampton Airport. Vacationists who wish to stay in the area have hotel...

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Did you know this about Glendale?

Situated on the Central Coast of Rockhampton in Queensland, Glendale is approximately 534 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane. Gracemere Lagoon, Mount Sliepner and Lake Mary are some of these various landscapes and seascapes that surround the town of Glendale. The vicinity of Glendale also has neighbouring tourist spots, including Archer Park Rail Museum, which is a transport

Situated on the Central Coast of Rockhampton in Queensland, Glendale is approximately 534 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane. Gracemere Lagoon, Mount Sliepner and Lake Mary are some of these various landscapes and seascapes that surround the town of Glendale. The vicinity of Glendale also has neighbouring tourist spots, including Archer Park Rail Museum, which is a transport museum with a rare French Purrey steam tram, and Koorana Crocodile Farm, which opened in 1981 and was the first commercial crocodile farm in Queensland. To get around the residential district of Glendale, the main transport services used are the Applegarth train station and the Rockhampton Airport. Vacationists who wish to stay in the area have hotel selections, like Travelodge Rockhampton, Archer Park Motel and Best Western The Stirling Rockhampton.

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