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Crawford is a suburb within the local government area of the South Burnett region of Queensland. The relatively new local government was created in 2008 after the Shire of Kingaroy, Nanango, Murgon and Wondai merged. Crawford is near several heritage museums in the region. The Kingaroy Heritage Museum in Haly Street, Kingaroy features a peanut exhibition that has machinery and photos of the development of the peanut history. Also nearby is the Wondai Heritage Centre on Mackenzie Street in Wondai, which covers about 1,600 square metres of land. It features the Formal Museum that houses military memorabilia, the Hospital Complex that houses the historical 1310 Wondai Hospital and the Machinery Shed that features restored items from Sulki...

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Did you know this about Crawford?

Crawford is a suburb within the local government area of the South Burnett region of Queensland. The relatively new local government was created in 2008 after the Shire of Kingaroy, Nanango, Murgon and Wondai merged. Crawford is near several heritage museums in the region. The Kingaroy Heritage Museum in Haly Street, Kingaroy features a peanut exhibition that has machinery and

Crawford is a suburb within the local government area of the South Burnett region of Queensland. The relatively new local government was created in 2008 after the Shire of Kingaroy, Nanango, Murgon and Wondai merged. Crawford is near several heritage museums in the region. The Kingaroy Heritage Museum in Haly Street, Kingaroy features a peanut exhibition that has machinery and photos of the development of the peanut history. Also nearby is the Wondai Heritage Centre on Mackenzie Street in Wondai, which covers about 1,600 square metres of land. It features the Formal Museum that houses military memorabilia, the Hospital Complex that houses the historical 1310 Wondai Hospital and the Machinery Shed that features restored items from Sulkies to the Vince Miller collection of timber tools.

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