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About The Funtastic Tour Company
Experience the world in comfort and style with our exclusive over-50s travel service. Enjoy tailored holidays, extended stays, and curated itineraries. Exclusive deals and senior-specific assistance are available. Come travel with us and discover a new world of adventure. Door-to-door pick-up available between Maroochydore and Caloundra. At The Funtastic Tour Company, we take our values seriously. Our values are Integrity, Authenticity, Quality, Excellence, Connection, Fun, Friendship, and Adventure. And let’s be real, the “Fun” and “Adventure” parts are the best, right? We’re dedicated to giving you a tour experience that’s not just safe but also filled with fun and memories. We’re not just a tour company, we’re a memory-making company.
Tour Company
Door-to-Door Pick-Up
Holiday Escapes
Day Trips
Food & Wine Trips
Theatre & Concert Trips
Live Performances
Tailored Holidays
Extended Stays
Curated Itineraries
Exclusive Deals
Senior-Specific Assistance
New World of Adventure
Explore the Stunning Scenery & Attractions of the Sunshine Coast & Beyond
Dedicated to a Safe, Fun & Memorable Experience
Expect Delicious Meals
Comfortable Lodgings on All of Our Tours
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Nambour QLD
Ways to Pay
Operator Accreditation Number: Q900518543
Frequently Asked Questions
When do I receive my pick-up time?
We will call with your pick-up time in most cases 3 days before your day trip. This allows for last-minute bookings and or cancellations before we calculate individual pick-up times.
What's included in the price?
Holiday Escapes & Day Trips have all inclusions itemised in each individual itinerary. Breakfast (B), Lunch (L), Dinner (D) as indicated for each tour.
The Funtastic Tour Company