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Northern Territory

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Roughly 144 kilometres away from the capital city of Darwin, the district of Daly River is situated in the Victoria Daly Shire of Northern Territory. It used to be occupied by the Aboriginal tribe of Malak Malak. Several landscapes and seascapes are found in the vicinity of Daly River. Some of these are Attack Lagoon, Barthelemy Hills and White Cliff Point. Daly River houses nearby tourist attractions, too, including Batchelor Butterfly Farm, which is the only butterfly farm in the Northern Territory, and Berry Springs Nature Park, which is a famous picnic and swimming spot with several pools and a small waterfall. The suburban community of Daly River is primarily connected by the transport services of the Stapleton train station and a...

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Did you know this about Daly River?

Roughly 144 kilometres away from the capital city of Darwin, the district of Daly River is situated in the Victoria Daly Shire of Northern Territory. It used to be occupied by the Aboriginal tribe of Malak Malak. Several landscapes and seascapes are found in the vicinity of Daly River. Some of these are Attack Lagoon, Barthelemy Hills and White Cliff

Roughly 144 kilometres away from the capital city of Darwin, the district of Daly River is situated in the Victoria Daly Shire of Northern Territory. It used to be occupied by the Aboriginal tribe of Malak Malak. Several landscapes and seascapes are found in the vicinity of Daly River. Some of these are Attack Lagoon, Barthelemy Hills and White Cliff Point. Daly River houses nearby tourist attractions, too, including Batchelor Butterfly Farm, which is the only butterfly farm in the Northern Territory, and Berry Springs Nature Park, which is a famous picnic and swimming spot with several pools and a small waterfall. The suburban community of Daly River is primarily connected by the transport services of the Stapleton train station and also via the Darwin International Airport. Town visitors who wish to stay for vacation may choose from a wide selection of hotels, such as Luma Luma Holiday Apartments, H Hotel and Noonamah Tavern, among several others.

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