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Located on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, the suburb of Kinchela is about 361 kilometres off from the capital city of Sydney, Australia. This town was formerly owned by the Aboriginal tribe of Dungutti and is named after John Kinchela, who used to be Attorney General of New South Wales.
Some of the geographical features that surround Kinchela are Longreach Island, Saltwater Inlet and Smoky Cape, to name a few. Kinchela has neighbouring tourist spots as well, including Billabong Koala & Wildlife Park, which is also known as Australia’s world-famous koala breeding centre, Timbertown Heritage Theme Park, which is a reconstructed village to exhibit the achievements of Australian pioneers, and many more.
The town of Kinchel...

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Did you know this about Kinchela?

Located on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, the suburb of Kinchela is about 361 kilometres off from the capital city of Sydney, Australia. This town was formerly owned by the Aboriginal tribe of Dungutti and is named after John Kinchela, who used to be Attorney General of New South Wales.
Some of the geographical features that surround Kinchela

Located on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, the suburb of Kinchela is about 361 kilometres off from the capital city of Sydney, Australia. This town was formerly owned by the Aboriginal tribe of Dungutti and is named after John Kinchela, who used to be Attorney General of New South Wales.
Some of the geographical features that surround Kinchela are Longreach Island, Saltwater Inlet and Smoky Cape, to name a few. Kinchela has neighbouring tourist spots as well, including Billabong Koala & Wildlife Park, which is also known as Australia’s world-famous koala breeding centre, Timbertown Heritage Theme Park, which is a reconstructed village to exhibit the achievements of Australian pioneers, and many more.
The town of Kinchela is primarily linked by two major transportation services: the Tamban train station and the Port Macquarie Airport. Tourists who wish to stay in town may choose from various hotels, like Costa Rica Motel and The Carrai.

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