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New South Wales

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Mandalong is a rural town within the local government area of the City of Lake Macquarie in New South Wales. The small, quiet town is located to the west of Lake Macquarie and nearby Morisset, a commercial centre and suburb just off the Sydney-Newcastle Freeway. The nearest railway to Mandalong is also located in Morisset. Mandalong was settled in by the Europeans during the early 1850s. Farming and timber working were the major industries during that period. Mandalong is also well-known for its burgeoning art industry. The Mandalong Gallery, which has been involved with indigenous art for almost 19 years, is an established authority on Australia-made aboriginal art. Mandalong Gallery has direct personal contact with many aboriginal ar...

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Mandalong is a rural town within the local government area of the City of Lake Macquarie in New South Wales. The small, quiet town is located to the west of Lake Macquarie and nearby Morisset, a commercial centre and suburb just off the Sydney-Newcastle Freeway. The nearest railway to Mandalong is also located in Morisset. Mandalong was settled in by

Mandalong is a rural town within the local government area of the City of Lake Macquarie in New South Wales. The small, quiet town is located to the west of Lake Macquarie and nearby Morisset, a commercial centre and suburb just off the Sydney-Newcastle Freeway. The nearest railway to Mandalong is also located in Morisset. Mandalong was settled in by the Europeans during the early 1850s. Farming and timber working were the major industries during that period. Mandalong is also well-known for its burgeoning art industry. The Mandalong Gallery, which has been involved with indigenous art for almost 19 years, is an established authority on Australia-made aboriginal art. Mandalong Gallery has direct personal contact with many aboriginal artists and aims to purchase the art directly from them.

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