Find the businesses you need inBar Point, Central Coast

New South Wales

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A riverside suburb under the local government area of City of Gosford in the Central Coast region of New South Wales, Bar Point is located 18.1 kilometres south of Calga, 12.8 kilometres north of Cowan, 74.1 kilometres southeast of Gunderman (through Wisemans Ferry Road), approximately 32 kilometres southwest of Gosford and 53 kilometres north of the state capital of Sydney. The suburb sits on the edge of the peninsula surrounded by the undulating Hawkesbury River and is a very popular weekend destination. As it is just a few minutes away from Milson’s Passage by boat, and just under an hour away from Sydney, it attracts visitors all the way from the state capital. The riverside locality is also home to the southern end of the Popran N...

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Did you know this about Bar Point?

A riverside suburb under the local government area of City of Gosford in the Central Coast region of New South Wales, Bar Point is located 18.1 kilometres south of Calga, 12.8 kilometres north of Cowan, 74.1 kilometres southeast of Gunderman (through Wisemans Ferry Road), approximately 32 kilometres southwest of Gosford and 53 kilometres north of the state capital of Sydney.

A riverside suburb under the local government area of City of Gosford in the Central Coast region of New South Wales, Bar Point is located 18.1 kilometres south of Calga, 12.8 kilometres north of Cowan, 74.1 kilometres southeast of Gunderman (through Wisemans Ferry Road), approximately 32 kilometres southwest of Gosford and 53 kilometres north of the state capital of Sydney. The suburb sits on the edge of the peninsula surrounded by the undulating Hawkesbury River and is a very popular weekend destination. As it is just a few minutes away from Milson’s Passage by boat, and just under an hour away from Sydney, it attracts visitors all the way from the state capital. The riverside locality is also home to the southern end of the Popran National Park, which can be reached from the town of Mount White to the north.

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