Double glazed windows are an affordable and efficient way to improve the insulation and comfort of your home.

Double glazing glass is made up of two glass panes with a gap between them that is filled with gas. This gas helps to prevent the transfer of heat energy or cold from one pane of glass to the other, which makes your home more comfortable to live in. Comfort glass can also help to reduce noise levels, making your home quieter and more peaceful. It's helpful in controlling the solar heat gain coefficient. Another benefit of comfort glass is that it is typically cheaper than double glazed windows. This means that you can get better insulating properties and noise reduction for your home at a lower cost.

What is double glazing?

Double glazing system is a type of window or door that has two layers of insulated glass units, with an air gap between them that is filled with air or inert gas to achieve passive solar gains, hence called air gap. This technique helps reduce the heat gained inside the room. As a result, you'll notice reduced heating costs. To reduce heat transfer, the air gap will act as a vacuum o a buffer in the glazed doors or windows. This buffer reduces heat transfer (reduces heat flowing), which is also called visible transmission. The natural sunlight reduces, leading to less heat. This air gap helps to improve the insulated glazing and thermal performance of the double glazed window or door, making your home more comfortable to live in and quieter.

The window manufacturers make secondary glazing. The secondary glazing installable on aluminium frames is designed for heat loss (to reject heat, leading to reduced cooling costs).

What are the benefits of double glazing?

There are many benefits of installing double glazed windows or doors in your home, not just reduced noise.
  • Double glazed windows improved insulation and thermal performance, which can help to reduce your energy bills due to the air gap

  • Double glazed windows reduced noise levels, making your home quieter and more peaceful

  • Double glazed windows provide protection from the elements, such as rain, snow and wind

  • Double glazed windows increase security

  • Double glazed windows improved aesthetics

Which type of glass is best for energy efficiency?

When it comes to improving the home's heating energy efficiency , there are many different types of laminated glass that you can choose from such as energy efficient glazing. However, the type of toughened glass that is best for you will depend on your specific needs and circumstances along with whether your or not your building complies with passive solar principles. Comfort glass is a great option for those who are looking for an affordable and efficient way to improve the insulation, solar gain or solar radiation reduction and comfort of their property. It can also help to buffer outside noise and improve mechanical heating, making your home quieter and more peaceful. If you are looking for a more high-end solution, then double and triple glazing specifications may be a better option for you. Double or triple glazing can provide improved insulation and thermal performance, as well as reduced noise levels. Double glazed windows can also protect your home from the elements, increase security and improve aesthetics.

Is it worth getting Low-E glass?

This is a type of glass that has been coated to increase insulation and thermal performance.

Low-E glass is a great option for those who are looking to improve the energy efficiency of windows in their home. It can help to reduce your energy costs, make your home quieter and more peaceful, and protect it from the elements.

However, Low-E coating glass is not always necessary, and it can be more expensive than other types of existing glass. Before deciding whether or not to install Low-E glass in your home, you should consider your specific needs and circumstances.

How does Low-E glass work?

Low-E glass is a type of window frame or door that has been treated with a special coating that helps to improve the insulation and thermal performance of the casement windows or door. The coating helps to reflect heat flow into the room and become more energy efficient. It can also help to protect your home from the elements and reduce noise levels.

Low-E glass v double glazing

Double glazing has been around for years. But Low E double glazed units are becoming more popular these days. For example, the thermal insulation performance of the Low-E glass used in some double glazed unit is 10 times that of ordinary float glass. Low-E glass is made of two or more sheets of glass with a very thin coating of metal oxide. The metal oxide coating on the glass helps to reflect heat flows into the room in the winter and keep it out in the summer. Low-E glass can also help to reduce noise from outside. Solar heat gain control Low-E glass is designed to reduce solar heat gain and heat transfer loss in the winter. Tinted Low-E glass is used to reduce glare. Reflective Low-E glass is used to increase daylighting and improve the views from a building. Double glazed is perfect if the heat transfer occurs from the nearby areas. The E-glass comes with a visible light transmission rating.

Which is the most expensive type of glass?

The most expensive type of glass is the type that provides the best thermal insulation. This energy efficient glass is usually a Low-E glass with a solar radiation control coating.

What are the benefits of Low-E glass?

The most important element providing insulation performance is the Low-E glass. Different formulations provide different levels of insulation, so it's important that you choose the right type for your needs. The benefits can include:

  • Improved thermal insulation (by reflecting heat transfer into a building in winter and keeping less solar heat in summer)

  • Improved noise reduction (in some applications)

  • Improved comfort (Low-E coatings help to prevent radiant heat from entering buildings through window films during the day; this can reduce discomfort caused by external temperatures)

  • Better energy efficiency (heat loss/gain through sliding windows is reduced)

  • Reduced solar heat inside (Low-E coatings can reduce the discomfort caused by high levels of ultraviolet rays)

  • Improved appearance (some Low-E coatings are designed to reduce light reflections on existing windows, which can improve the look of buildings in certain environments)

  • Better views from buildings (Low-E coatings are sometimes used to increase daylight in buildings through double glazing unit)

What are the disadvantages of Low-E glass?

The biggest disadvantage of Low-E windows is that it's much more expensive than ordinary existing windows glass. You'll also need to make sure your property is well insulated because you won't get any help in this area from Low-E coats in older homes. However, in new properties, you should see an improvement in the energy efficiency (for heating and hot water) of around 30 per cent.

For more information on glazing, take a look at the YourHome website.