Cupping is a traditional Chinese treatment where special cups are placed on the skin to create suction on an affected area.

Cupping therapy has been used in Chinese medicine for a very long time; records show that it may have first been used more than 3,000 years ago, though its exact origins are unknown. Cupping treatment is used on a variety of health conditions ranging from pain relief to fever reduction.

Enthusiasts believe the benefits of cupping extend to helping improve respiratory function, reduce muscle strain, alleviate headaches, neck pain or even improve athletic performance. It has even been used to treat mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, as well as addictions. The suction helps increase circulation and draws out toxins from the body, improving the blood flow as well as relieving aches and pains caused by inflammation.

Cupping is often classified as an alternative medicine.

Does cupping release toxins?

Most people believe cupping therapy has a positive effect by increasing blood circulation and releasing toxins from the body. When a cup is placed on the skin, the air between its surface and your skin creates suction, which can be uncomfortable depending on how much pressure is applied to create suction. Once the suction has been created, an area of raised skin will appear on your body. After around 5 minutes of continuing with this process, your skin will begin to redden. You may also experience muscle relaxation or even feel slightly light headed.

Is cupping scientifically proven?

Although cupping has been used for various purposes for thousands of years in Chinese medicine, there is little scientific research to back up its supposed benefits. However, some studies have shown that creating suction within a cup to draw toxins can help relieve pain caused by inflammation and other conditions. Some medically reviewed studies allege that cupping therapy treats acne, skin infections, high blood pressure and is suitable in managing anxiety and depression. The experts critical of cupping therapy argue that healing occurs due to the placebo effect. The general consensus among medical experts and existing medically reviewed studies is that more research on cupping therapy is required.

Does cupping hurt?

The practise involves placing small glass cups on the outer skin layer. An acupuncturist or therapist can also use rubber pumps or silicone cups. Applying heat before removing the cup helps increase circulation in your muscles, which makes you feel lighter and more relaxed after the treatment. As well as this, it also relieves muscle stiffness, joint pain and headaches. You may also feel a slight pinching sensation when the cups are placed on the skin. A practitioner can either administer a dry or wet cupping procedure in a treatment plan. In dry cupping, suction is applied to the skin by the therapist. The doctor can also perform acupuncture and other techniques related to skin relaxation. Wet cupping is similar to dry cupping except that the practitioner punctures the skin to reach the blood vessels. Fluids and blood are drawn using the suction effect. The removal of fluids and blood is believed to expel toxins from the body.

What does cupping do for knots?

Cupping techniques are becoming an increasingly popular treatment for the benefits of releasing tight muscles and reducing the pain caused by knots. After a strong suction has been created, the cups will be gently moved around to stimulate blood flow in your sore muscles, lowering muscle tension and relieving shoulder pain, aches and pains. The feeling is similar to deep tissue massage but is also said to help with pain caused by the muscles being too cold or stiff. Some people also say that it helps relieve symptoms of depression by releasing endorphins, which make you feel more relaxed after a treatment.

What are the side effects of cupping?

There is a chance that you could end up with small bruises around the area that has been treated or even an itchy skin reaction known as contact dermatitis. However, this will only happen if the treatment is carried out improperly. It may also occur if you have an allergy to a product used during the procedure, such as petroleum jelly or any substance used to create suction in between cups and your body. There are also instances where cupping can cause serious injury, especially when done by untrained people or attempted on parts like your neck or head. If in doubt prior to undertaking a cupping procedure, seek a doctor's advice.

What to expect after cupping

You shouldn't feel any side effects after the cupping services, apart from some redness on your skin. Some people experience a minor headache after treatment, which usually goes away within a few hours. You may experience some muscle pain and stiffness after the cups are removed which can be alleviated by applying a cold compress to your skin.

How long do cupping marks last?

You should see healing results within one or two days after a cupping session. Your skin may feel tighter as your muscles become more elastic due to increased blood flow. Improved blood flow leads to more oxygen reaching the muscles to increase their flexibility and make them less prone to injury.

This will lead to reduced muscle soreness and quicker recovery time if you suffer from back pain from exercising too much or other kinds of strain on your muscles. Red cupping marks will remain for a week or so before fading away completely.

How can I make cupping more effective?

You may need several sessions of cupping before you notice any improvements in your sore muscles or other symptoms. It's best to choose an experienced practitioner who has undergone thorough training. You should also avoid alcohol and caffeine for around 24 hours beforehand to help improve the effectiveness of the treatment. After each session, your skin will become redder after being stretched by the suction cups but this is completely normal and should fade within a couple of days.