If you're looking for a complete bathroom overhaul, then consider gutting the entire space and starting from scratch.

It's important to note that a complete renovation can be quite costly and time-consuming, so be sure to weigh your options carefully before making any decisions.

If you're not looking for a complete overhaul, then there are still plenty of bathroom remodel ideas on a smaller scale. One popular option is to simply replace outdated plumbing fixtures, fittings and shower curtain with new ones to save money on small bathroom remodels. This can give your bathroom an instant facelift without having to do any major construction work and allow your bathroom design ideas to flourish. Another option is to install new flooring such as ceramic tile, or reglaze the existing tile to brighten up the space and give it a fresh new look. Painting the bathroom walls makes an instant change and bright colours may make a contemporary space.

No matter what type of bathroom remodelling project you're interested in, be sure to do your research and get quotes from several different contractors before making any final decisions.

What are some bathroom design trends?

Natural materials are always on trend. This can help to create a more rustic and earthy feel in your bathroom, which many people find to be very relaxing. Bold colours and patterns are always a good idea as they can add a real sense of personality to your bathroom, and it's a great way to make a small space seem larger than it actually is. Glass doors leading to a freestanding bath is a classic design and a walk-in shower can be transformed into a wet room to maximise space. You don't have to follow any specific trends when designing your bathroom.

How can I make my small bathroom look bigger?

If you have a small bathroom or basic powder room, then you might be wondering how you can make it look bigger without actually expanding the physical space. Luckily, there are a few different design tricks that you can use.

One way to do this is to use light colours on the walls and ceiling making it seem brighter and larger. A soft green or white tile on white walls can make a big difference and create a classic feel.

Another option is to use mirrors. Strategically placed mirrors can make a small room seem much bigger than it actually is and accentuate a streamlined look. Finally, consider using glass shower doors instead of shower curtains.

A cluttered bathroom will always feel small, no matter how big it actually is.

How do I estimate the cost of a bathroom renovation?

To get a rough idea of how much your renovation is likely to cost, start by making a list of all the materials and labour that you'll need. Then, research the average price of these items in your area. You can easily estimate the cost of the basics such as new cabinetry, toilet, putting in a tub, matching sinks and additions like pendant lights and wall tiles easily.

A professional contractor will be able to give you a more detailed and customised quote based on your specific needs.

What are some common mistakes people make when renovating the bathroom?

Failing to plan ahead properly is a very common problem. Another common mistake is underestimating the cost of the renovation. Be sure to do your research and get quotes from several different contractors before making any final decisions. Making sure there is enough space for everyone is critical. Failing to do this could result in a bathroom that isn't usable for everyone in your household.

Which tiles should I use in my bathroom?

First, think about the overall style that you're trying to achieve. An interior designer may be able to give you some suggestions. Next, consider the function of the room. In a bathroom, tile is primarily used for practical purposes such as creating a waterproof surface around the bathtub or shower. If you want your bathroom to have more of a design element, then opt for tiles in bolder colours or patterns. Ceramic or porcelain tiles are popular choices. However, if you don't mind spending a bit more time cleaning, then natural stone tiles can also be a beautiful option. Creating clean lines with a blue tile or subway tile in cool tones can create an effective focal point.

Can I DIY my bathroom renovation?

If you're not confident in your ability to complete the project, then it's probably best to leave it to the professionals.

When you buy everything yourself, you'll likely have to pay retail prices. However, contractors often get discounts on materials, so it may be more expensive. This can make a professional renovation more affordable than you might think.

Finally, keep in mind that a bathroom is a wet area of the house. This means that there's a higher risk of things going wrong if you're not experienced in home renovations. If something does go wrong, it could end up costing you more money to fix it than it would have to hire a professional in the first place. For more renovation information, take a look at YourHome.