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Tinaroo is situated in the northern part of Cairns, Queensland. The suburban community is roughly 1,379 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane. Tinaroo is geographically bounded by several landscapes and seascapes, such as Python Hill, Ogs Brow and Lake Barrine, among others. Tinaroo has a number of adjacent tourist spots as well. Some of these are Atherton Chinatown, which has an authentic Chinese temple that was built during the 1900s, and Spy & Camera Museum, which began in 2000 and is owned by Michael Peterson. The vicinity of Tinaroo is mainly connected by the Mapee train station and the Cairns International Airport. Town visitors who wish to spend time in the area may choose from various nearby hotels, like Atherton Mo...

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Did you know this about Tinaroo?

Tinaroo is situated in the northern part of Cairns, Queensland. The suburban community is roughly 1,379 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane. Tinaroo is geographically bounded by several landscapes and seascapes, such as Python Hill, Ogs Brow and Lake Barrine, among others. Tinaroo has a number of adjacent tourist spots as well. Some of these are Atherton Chinatown,

Tinaroo is situated in the northern part of Cairns, Queensland. The suburban community is roughly 1,379 kilometres away from the capital city of Brisbane. Tinaroo is geographically bounded by several landscapes and seascapes, such as Python Hill, Ogs Brow and Lake Barrine, among others. Tinaroo has a number of adjacent tourist spots as well. Some of these are Atherton Chinatown, which has an authentic Chinese temple that was built during the 1900s, and Spy & Camera Museum, which began in 2000 and is owned by Michael Peterson. The vicinity of Tinaroo is mainly connected by the Mapee train station and the Cairns International Airport. Town visitors who wish to spend time in the area may choose from various nearby hotels, like Atherton Motel, Bushland Cottages & Lodge and Curtain Fig Tree Motel, to name a few.

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