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A village under the local government area of Gladstone Regional Council in Queensland, Seventeen Seventy is located 6.6 kilometres north of Agnes Water, 24 kilometres northeast of Captain Creek, 128 kilometres northwest of Bundaberg, 129 kilometres southeast of Gladstone and 527 kilometres north of the state capital of Brisbane. The town sits at the place where the second landing of the crew of the HM Bark Endeavour and their Captain James Cook occurred in May 1770. The village was originally called Round Hill after the creek that flows on its eastern side, but the name was changed in 1970 in commemoration of the bicentennial of the said landing. The community re-enacts the historic landing every year during the annual 1770 Festival he...

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Did you know this about Seventeen Seventy?

A village under the local government area of Gladstone Regional Council in Queensland, Seventeen Seventy is located 6.6 kilometres north of Agnes Water, 24 kilometres northeast of Captain Creek, 128 kilometres northwest of Bundaberg, 129 kilometres southeast of Gladstone and 527 kilometres north of the state capital of Brisbane. The town sits at the place where the second landing of

A village under the local government area of Gladstone Regional Council in Queensland, Seventeen Seventy is located 6.6 kilometres north of Agnes Water, 24 kilometres northeast of Captain Creek, 128 kilometres northwest of Bundaberg, 129 kilometres southeast of Gladstone and 527 kilometres north of the state capital of Brisbane. The town sits at the place where the second landing of the crew of the HM Bark Endeavour and their Captain James Cook occurred in May 1770. The village was originally called Round Hill after the creek that flows on its eastern side, but the name was changed in 1970 in commemoration of the bicentennial of the said landing. The community re-enacts the historic landing every year during the annual 1770 Festival held in May. Also locally known as 1770, the peninsular settlement along the Discovery Coast is a tourist destination, with a number of restaurants, holiday accommodations, hotels, picnic areas, barbeque facilities and camping grounds servicing visitors. It also has a small marina from which tours and cruises depart daily for Lady Musgrave Island on the Great Barrier Reef as well as a number of tours for Bustard Head Light Station, an active lighthouse on a headland around 20 kilometres northwest of the village. The Eurimbula Recreation Reserve and Eurimbula National Park to the west of 1770 also offer hiking trails and camping grounds.

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