Are cosmetic tattoos permanent?
A cosmetic tattoo is implanted under the dermal layer of skin, so it is not as deep as a traditional tattoo, so they don’t last as long.
What is a cosmetic tattoo?
A cosmetic tattoo (or semipermanent make-up) is the insertion of pigment into the dermal layer of skin to improve the look of brows, lips and more.
How long do cosmetic tattoos last?
The longevity of a cosmetic tattoo depends on the skin tone, pigment used and the application. Touch-ups can be done to extend results.
Can you lighten a cosmetic tattoo?
If you’re unhappy with a cosmetic tattoo, some specialists offer correction techniques. Normally they use flesh-coloured pigment to camouflage.
What is microblading?
Microblading is also known as an eyebrow tattoo. Pigment is implanted under the dermal layer of skin to mimic the look of natural hairs.
Is semipermanent make-up painful?
Discomfort levels vary from person to person, however a topical anaesthetic is normally applied to help.
Is semipermanent make-up safe during pregnancy?
It’s best to wait until after pregnancy due to fluid retention, skin distortion, discolouration and the potential risk of infection.
Can microblading cause scarring?
When microblading is done correctly, it should not cause any scarring. Going to a reputable technician is always advised.
When can I get my eyebrows wet after microblading?
Your technician will advise of aftercare, however, generally you’ll need to avoid getting the area wet for around 10 days.
Who does microblading?
Some beauty salons will offer the service, however, ensure your technician is a reputable and accredited cosmetic tattooist.